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Properties of proliferation and differentiation...

http://www.cnophol.com 2009-5-29 13:28:08 中华眼科在线

    基础             2719                                      PO0160

    Properties of proliferation and differentiation of neonatal rat retinal progenitor cells in vitro
Kang Qianyan (康前雁)*, Liu Yong (刘勇),Zhao Jianjun(赵建军),Qiu Fen(邱芬),Chen Xinlin(陈新林),Tian Yumei(田玉梅),Hu Ming(胡明)

    Research Center for Neuroscience, *Department of Ophthalmology of the First Affiliated Hospital, Xi’an Jiaotong University School of Medicine,Xi’an 710061,China

    ABSTRACT:  Objective To investigate the properties of proliferation and differentiation of neonatal rat retinal progenitor cells (RPCs) in vitro.

    Methods  RPCs were isolated from neonatal SD rats neural retina and cultured in DMEM/F12+N2 with EGF and bFGF (suspension medium )or 10%FBS without EGF and bFGF (differentiation medium). The cells grew as suspended spheres or adherent monolayers, depending on different culture conditions. The neural stem cells or retinal progenitors, neurons, astrocytes, retinal ganglion cells, rod photoreceptors and the proliferating cells were evaluated with immunofluorescence analysis by Nestin or Pax6, Map2, GFAP, Thy-1, Rhodopsin and BrdU antibodies respectively.  Results RPCs could propagate and differentiate in suspension or differentiation medium and express the markers of Nestin (92.86%) or Pax6 (86.75%), Map2 (38.54%), GFAP (20.93%), Thy-1 (27.66%) and Rhodopsin(13.33%)in suspension medium; however, nestin (60.27%), Pax6 (52%), Map2 (34.94%), GFAP (38.17%), Thy-1(30.84%) and Rhodopsin (34.67%) in differentiation medium. 96.4% of the population in the neurospheres was BrdU-positive cells. The cells could spontaneously adherent forming some subspheres and retinal specific cell types.

    Conclusion  Neonatal rat RPCs possess the high degree of proliferation and can differentiate into neurons, astrocytes, retinal ganglion cells and rod photoreceptors in vitro. There are different proportions for RPCs to differentiate into specific cell types.



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