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The effects of eye drops on corneal thickness in adult myopia

http://www.cnophol.com 2009-5-30 11:01:48 中华眼科在线

  角膜结膜及泪器病             163                                      PO0177

  The effects of eye drops on corneal thickness in adult myopia

  Lei Gao Huijun ;Fan,Arthur C.K. Cheng, Zhonghao Wang,Dennis S C Lam,

  Department of Ophthalmology, Yantai Yuhuangding Hospital, Affiliated Hospital of Medical College, Qi

  Purpose: To study the effects of Complex Tropicamide (0.5% Tropicamide and 0.5% phenylephrine HCI) and Saline solution on corneal thickness in adult myopic patients with the Orbscan II system..

  Setting: Department of Ophthalmology, Yantai Yuhuangding Hospital

  Design: Prospective nonrandomized clinical trial.

  Methods: The thinnest pachymetry of the cornea were obtained before and 1.5 hours after administration of three drops of Complex Tropicamide to the left eyes of 58 patients (58 eyes), and Saline solution to their 31 right eyes, respectively. The corneal thickness of the other 27 right eyes before and 1.5 hours after eyelid closure without exposure to eye drops were used as the control group.

  Results: The thinnest pachymetry of the cornea were significantly higher after exposure to eye drops in the Tropicamide group (23.36 ± 15.01 micron; t=-11.855, P<0.001). Similar findings were also noted in the Saline group (7.13±8.11 micron, t=-4.894, P<0.001). The difference between the two groups was also significant (t=6.737, P<0.001). There were no statistically changes in corneal thickness in control group. The drops tested have no effect on the location of the thinnest corneal site as well as its distance form the visual axis.
Conclusion:  Eye drops including Saline solutions may have significant effects on the corneal thickness in myopia and this may have implications for corneal refractive surgery.



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