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Application of visual stimulated fMRI in occipital lobe injury cases–a pilot study

http://www.cnophol.com 2009-6-8 10:42:21 中华眼科在线

WEI Shihui  MA Lin  HAN Jing

Ophthalmology department of General Hospital of PLA, Beijing China100853

 Objective:To develop a visual induced functional MRI (fMRI) examination for clinical use; and compare the Results of visual fMRI of volunteers and patients; and evaluate the potential clinical usefulness of visual fMRI examination on visual center, definition the tumor region and surgery plan on patients with occipital lobe tumor. Methods: Six volunteers and two patients with occipital lobe tumor and homonynous half visual field defects were studied by fMRI using monocular checker stimulation (5Hz). The data obtained were analyzed with the statistical parametric maps(SPM) software (P<0.01) and were compared with the Results of Goldmann visual field perimetric evaluation. Results: fMRI were highly dependent on the choices of the visual stimulation; in both of patients, the functional activations found in the visual cortex were consistent with the Results of perimetric evaluation. Visual fMRI image showed that the function of uninjured side of occipital lobe was very well; otherwise the function of injury side was vanished. Conclusions: The visual process can induce the fMRI of occipital lobe correctly; there was a good correspondence between fMRI data and the Results of perimetric evaluation. Visual fMRI would extent to exam the functional incapacitation of visual centre, evaluate the tumor field and be useful in surgical planning and tumor removal.




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