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Major Findings of The Multicenter Amblyopia Treatment Studies

http://www.cnophol.com 2009-6-23 11:04:53 中华眼科在线

David Robbins Tien

Hasbro Children’s
Hospital and Brown University, U.S.A
This lecture will present the major findings from recently completed multi-center amblyopia treatment studies. These studies are the most rigorous and best controlled studies ever done on the practical, clinical treatment of amblyopia. moderate amblyopia can be effectively treated both with atropine penalization or patching and that prescribing two hours or six hours a day of daily patching these patients produces similar amounts of improvement and that using atropine on the weekends only or two days a week is just as effective as prescribing the atropine daily. We also have learned that in severe amblyopia six hours a day seems to be as effective as full time patching in these patients. For many patients with pure anisometropic amblyopia, spectacles alone may be sufficient treatment. In older children with amblyopia we have learned that amblyopia will improve with optical correction alone in about a quarter of the patients although most will require additional treatment to achieve the best possible vision. When we prescribed patching in 7 to 13 year olds patching two to six hours a day or with atropine can improve visual acuity even if the amblyopia has been previously treated so additional attempts at amblyopia therapy are worthwhile in this age group.For patients who are older that is from 13 to 18 years old if they have not had any prior amblyopia therapy prescribing patching from two to six hours a day may lead to improvement in the visual acuity, but if they have already been treated previously with patching additional treatment is not likely to be of much benefit. However, in this older group of patients, that is, the so-called visually mature patients, complete resolution of amblyopia is unusual even if they do respond to treatment.



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