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http://www.cnophol.com 2009-11-18 11:09:42 中华眼科在线

  作者:Ashok Kumar Narsani1, Muhammad Muneer Quraishi2, Mahtab Alam Khanzada1, Shafi Muhammad Jatoi1,Imtiaz Gilal1    作者单位:(作者单位:1巴基斯坦海德拉巴,Liaquat大学眼科医院眼科;2巴基斯坦卡拉奇,陶氏大学卫生科学院眼科教研室)

  【摘要】  目的: 以医院为基础,调查成年人群屈光不正的发病率。方法:200806/200812,海德拉巴Liaquat大学眼科医院第三转诊中心,所有受试者均进行详细的眼科检查,记录其最佳矫正视力。以主观折射为基础检查屈光状态。只记录每位受试者的右眼。远视定义为等量球镜>+0.5屈光度(DS),正视定义为等量球镜介于0.50 至+0.50 DS之间,近视定义为等量球镜<0.50DS ,等量球镜≤5.00DS为高度近视。以负的柱镜矫正散光,散光定义为任何轴位的柱镜度数<0.50屈光度(DC)。结果:8400名门诊患者参与调查,年龄20~60岁之间,男女比例61∶39,包括农村和城市人口。67%的患者完成了高中教育。8400位患者中,2719 (32.37%)位的最佳矫正视力≥20/40,其余5681 (67.63%)位由于眼前后节的疾病最佳矫正视力<20/40,排除本研究。2719 位患者中,1065(39.17%)位患者的右眼为有晶状体眼,占8400位接受检查者的12.68%,剩余1654(60.83%)位为人工晶状体眼,结果分析只包括最近6mo内总接诊患者的12.68%(1065位有晶状体眼屈光不正患者)。590(55.4%的有晶状体眼)位男性和475(44.6%)女性,远视300位(28.2%的有晶状体眼),近视690位(64.8% 的有晶状体眼),近视的发病率岁年龄增长显著增加。高度近视占受试人群的7% (75)。405位(38.03%)患者散光度数<0.5DC,包括195位(48.15 %)男性和210(51.85%) 女性。结论:屈光不正是一个重要的公众健康问题,影响视功能及日常活动。最佳视功能应包括未校正和校正后的屈光不正。

  【关键词】  屈光不正;近视;远视;散光·Brief report·

  Relative prevalence of color vision deficiency among Iranian female high school students

  AliReza Shokooh1, Mohammad Soleimani2, Reza ZareiAbianeh2, Mohammad Taher Rajabi2

  1Department of Ophthalmology,Amiral Momenin Hospital, School of Medicine, Medical Sciences/Azad University, Iran

  2Department of Ophthalmology, School of Medicine, Medical Sciences/Tehran University, Tehran, Iran


  Color blindness is a common disorder in human. Congenital color blindness is a trait of Xlinked recessive inheritance. In our study, one thousand and six hundred female students were selected by randomized group sampling and tested by "Ishihara pseudoisochromatic plates".Among this(0.63%) showed color vision deficiency; among these cases six girls (0.38%) had deuteranomaly and 4 girls (0.25%) had protanomaly.

  KEYWORDS: color bindness; color vision deficiency


  Congenital color blindness is a sexlinked recessive trait and is more common in men than women. Based on the previous studies in different countries and population about 8% of men and 0.4% of women have different types of disorder[14]. According to the references, deficiency in color vision may be partial (anomaly) or complete (anopia). It can be classified to protan (red deficiency), deutan (green deficiency) and with a frequency of 1∶300000 to tritan (blue deficiency)[3]. In spite of hereditary types of disorder, the acquired types of color vision deficiency have equal rate of prevalence in both genders. Most people with hereditary color vision deficiency have problem in redgreen differentiation, especially when colors are low saturated, but they may be able to distinguish fully saturated colors[5,6].

  Color vision deficiency could be an important factor in choice of some jobs; and students in high school stage are in time of job selection, so it is necessary to be aware of having color vision defect. Most investigations are about men but there is less about women. In this article, we evaluated prevalence of color vision deficiency among female high school students.

  Countryprevalence (%)Iran [2]0.43Jordan [3]0.33Ethiopia[7]0.2India[8]0.38Spain [9]0.46Singapore [11]0.2Korea[12]0.4


  In this descriptive study, we divided the capital city of Tehran into 5 geographic districts as north, south, east, west, and central portion. We selected 320 students in high schools of each district, and randomized group sampling totally selected 1600 students. All cases underwent complete eye examination to reveal any pathology, so if there was any eye disease, they were excluded from study. The selected individuals had negative history of previous systemic and ocular disease or chronic use of medications. The visual acuity was 20/20 and the fundus was normal. All selected students were tested by "Ishihara pseudoisochromatic plates" after teaching them appropriately. The results were recorded on questionnaires, and data were analyzed by "SPSS" soft ware.


  Among 1600 female students who underwent color test by "Ishihara", 10 cases (0.63%) showed color vision deficiency, and among these cases 6 girls (0.38%) had deuteranomaly, four girls(0.25%) protanomaly and no cases showed protanopia, deuteranopia, tritanomaly or tritanopia, so all cases with color vision defect had relative color blindness or anomalous trichromatism and no dichromatism or monochromatism. In color deficient girls, sixty percent had deuteranomaly and 40% protanomaly.

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