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http://www.cnophol.com 2009-11-18 11:09:42 中华眼科在线


  According to our finding, about 0.4% of women had hereditary color vision deficiency, and most of them had problem in differentiation of redgreen color. The reports from different countries show 0.2%0.5% of women have hereditary color vision defects (Table 1).

  In Iran, Modarres et al[2] reported among 2058 students (1136 male, 922 female), nintyseven cases with color vision defects (93 boys, 4 girls) so 8.1% of boys and 0.43% of girls have had color vision deficiency. Three girls (0.32%) showed deuteranomaly and one girl (0.11%) protanomaly[2].

  In Jordan, among 1200 female students, three cases showed color blindness (0.33%), two of them deuteranomaly, one protanomaly and one protanopia[3]. In Ethiopia, Zein reported among 1064 girls, two cases (0.2%) of color blindness[7]. In India of 519 female students, two cases were color vision deficient (0.38%)[8]. Rebato and Calderón[9] from Spain reported 0.46% color vision defect in 218 female students and Cabrero et al[10] in 529 girls has reported no case. In singapore Chia et al[11] reported a prevalence of 0.2% in Singaporean children. This rate was 0.4% in Korean females[12].

  In our study, the rate of hereditary color vision deficiency in female students was 0.63%, which is a little higher than other reports. However, it can be inferred that prevalence may be lower in unurbanized regions probably because of higher selection pressure working against the mutant allele in spite of urbanized regions with almost complete relaxation of selection pressure and hence higher allelic frequency about 0.05[1315].

  The ratio of deutan to protan was found to be very high in our study (1.66). Somewhat similar finding has described in other reports[1,16], but it was different from Filippi et al[17]. That found an incidence of 4.07% deutan, albeit in males, but no protan defect. However the type or severity cannot be completely inferred from "Ishihara pseudoisochromatic plates".

  Although color vision defect in women is not common, but with increasing of women participation in social activities, especially in developing countries as Iran and entering of them in some jobs which need color vision[18], it is necessary for both students and politicians to know about this problem and appropriate future programming.

  We recommend another study about both hereditary and acquired types of color blindness in whole population and different races, and because the rate of acquired color vision defect is equal in men and women, research about middleaged women may be useful.


  1 Carroll J. Colourblindness detective story not so simple. Clin Exp


  2 Modarres M, Mirsamadi M, Peyman GA. Prevalence of congenital color deficiencies in secondaryschool students in Tehran. Int Ophthalmol19961997;20(4):221222

  3 AlAqtum MT, AlQawasmeh MH. Prevalence of Color Blindness in Young Jourdanians. Ophthalmologica2001; 215(1): 3942

  4 Norn M. Prevalence of congenital colour blindness among Inuit in East Greenland. Acta Ophthalmol Scand1997;75(2):206209

  5 Nathans J, Thomas D, Hogness DS. Molecular genetics of human color vision: the genes encoding blue, green, and red pigments. Science 1986;232(4747):193202

  6 Carr RE. Cone dystrophies. In: Guyer DR, Yannuzzi LA, Chung S. RetinaVitreousMacula. Philadelphia: Saunders 1999:942948

  7 Zein ZA. Gene frequency and type of color blindness in Ethiopians.

  Ethiop Med J1990;28(2):7375

  8 Mahajan OP, Gogna RS. Study of Color Blindness in School Children.

  Indian J Physiol Pharmacol1977;21(1):5962

  9 Rebato E, Calderón R. Incidence of RedGreen Color Blindness in the Basque Population. Anthropol Anz1990; 48(2):145148

  10 Cabrero FJ, Ortiz MA, Mesa MS, Fuster V, Moral P. Redgreen colour blindness in the TormesAlberche Valley (AvilaCentral Spain).

  Anthropol Anz1997;55(34):295301

  11 Chia A, Gazzard G, Tong L, Zhang X, Sim EL, Fong A, Mei Saw S. Redgreen colour blindness in Singaporean children. Clin Experiment


  12 Kim HB, Lee SY, Choe JK, Lee JH, Ahn BH. The incidence of congenital colour deficiency amongst Koreans. J Korean Med Sci 1989;4:117120

  13 Mian A, Ali M, Rafique S. Frequencies of color blindness in different ethnic groups in Quetta(Pakistan). Pakistan J Zool1991;23:153155

  14 Pickford RW. Natural selection and colour blindness. Eugenics Rev 1964;55:97101

  15 Mueller WH, Weiss KM. Colourblindness in Colombia. Ann Hum Biol 1979;6(2):137145

  16 Cosstick M, Robaei D, Rose K, Rochtchina E, Mitchell P. Numerical confusion errors in ishihara testing: findings from a populationbased study. Am J Ophthalmol2005;140(1):154156

  17 Filippi G, Rinaldi A, Palmarino R, Seravalli E, Siniscalco M. Linkage disequilibrium for two Xlinked genes in Sardinia and its bearing on the statistical mapping of the human X chromosome. Genetics1977;86(1):199212

  18 Harris RW, Cole BL. Abnormal colour vision is a handicap to playing cricket but not an insurmountable one. Clin Exp Optom2007;90(6):451456

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