作者:马成 ,黄洁成 ,李晓英 ,张贤文 ,魏世辉 作者单位:(1.解放军第5医院 眼科;2.宁夏医学院附属医院 内科,宁夏 银川 750004;3.解放军总医院 眼科,北京 100853)
【摘要】 目的 通过对近视矫正手术后的野战部队战士眼部疾病的调查及随访,探讨近视矫正手术对战士长期训练所造成的影响。方法 以宁夏及北京部分地区野战部队行近视矫正手术658名新兵为研究对象,进行眼部详细检查,得出眼部疾病谱及危险因素,并随访2年。 结果 有74人(11.25%)发现眼部疾病,不符合军人体检标准,主要包括视力不合格、角膜疾病、眼底疾病、高眼压等;有273人(41.49%)眼部有潜在疾病隐患,主要包括干眼症、眩光、周边视网膜格子样变性及蜗牛迹变性等。两年后随访复检中发现干眼症、角膜炎、眩光以及高眼压等疾患明显减少(P<0.05);角膜混浊数量稍有减少,而其他疾患均有所升高,但无统计学差异(P>0.05)。结论 近视矫正术只能提高视敏度,不能达到很好的视觉质量,手术后眼球比较脆弱,有较多的潜在疾患,部队训练容易诱发,给部队增添很多负担,从而影响部队的战斗力。
【关键词】 近视矫正手术;战士;眼部疾病;随访
Oculopathy Follow-up among Soldiers after Myoporthosis Operation
Ma Cheng1, Huang Jie-cheng1, Li Xiao-ying2, Zhang Xian-wen1, Wei Shi-hui3 (1. Department of Ophthalmology, PLA Fifth Hospital, Yinchuan 750004, China; 2. Affiliated Hospital of Ningxia Medical College, Yinchuan 750004, China; 3. Department of Ophthalmology, PLA General Hospital, Beijing 100853, China)
Abstract: Objective To investigate the influence of myoporthosis operation on soldiers’ long term military drill by surveying and following up their postoperative oculopathy.Methods A total of 658 recruits from the field troops of Ningxia and parts of Beijing area were tested detailedly by ophthalmological examination, from which the oculopathy spectrum and potential risk factors were obtained. All the subjects were followed up for two years. Results There were 74 (11.25%) soldiers who suffered from oculopathy and were unqualified to the military health standards. The main diseases included unqualified sight, corneal disease, eyeground disorders and ocular hypertension. There were 273 (41.49%) soldiers who had potential dangers of ocular region including xerophthalmia, occaecatio, lattice degeneration of retina and snail track degeneration, et al. The incidence of xerophthalmia, keratitis, occaecatio and ocular hypertension decreased obviously in the re-examination after 2-year-follow-up, and the outcomes were statistically significant (P<0.05). The incidence of cloudiness of cornea decreased slightly and other affections rose, but no statistical significance was found (P>0.05). Conclusion The myoporthosis operation can only elevate the visual acuity, but it can not achieve the better visual quality. The postoperative eyeballs are fragile and easy to suffer from more potential affections during military training. The oculopathy might bring about heavy burden to the troops and influence the ability of fight.
Key words: myoporthosis operation; soldier; oculopathy; follow-up
新兵入伍前虽然经过层层把关,但仍有一些慢性、隐匿性疾病患者未被发现而进入部队,经过紧张的军营生活和大运动量的军事训练,一些隐匿性疾病开始复发,部分慢性疾病也逐渐暴露,给部队的正常作战训练带来很大影响。针对这一问题,从2003年开始我们对宁夏及北京部分地区行近视矫正手术的野战部队新兵眼部进行全面检查, 获得目前服役军人眼底疾病谱及危险因素,并随访2年,得出该群体眼部疾病变化及发病率,为行近视矫正手术的新兵眼部疾病防治及入伍查体标准的修订提供参考依据。现报告如下。
1 对象和方法
1.1 调查对象 以2003年开始宁夏及北京部分地区通过入伍体检的新兵为研究对象,共658人(1 304眼)行准分子激光手术,手术后时间2~10月,兵源来自21个省、直辖市。 其中男性601人,女性57人。大部分为汉族。其中,最大年龄25岁,最小年龄17岁。平均年龄19.8岁。
1.2 调查方法 向所有受检者讲明调查目的,争取受检新兵配合,对基本情况如实填表,询问病史,每位受检者均进行视力、非接触眼压计、电脑验光、泪膜破裂时间、角膜荧光素染色、托吡卡胺眼液散瞳后进行双目间接检眼镜以及裂隙灯显微镜检查。可疑病例请主任医师复检,必要时应用Goldmann三面镜、FFA、视野等相关检查,作出最后诊断。对眼部情况随访两年,失访83人,随访成功575人。
1.3 统计学方法 采用SPSS15.0软件进行统计学分析。
2 结果
在658名(1 304眼)行准分子激光手术的新兵眼部疾病调查中,74人(11.25%)发现眼部疾病,不符合军人体检标准,主要包括视力不合格、角膜疾病、眼底疾病、青光眼等;有273人(41.49%)眼部有潜在疾病隐患,主要包括干眼症、眩光、周边视网膜格子样变性及蜗牛迹变性等。详见表1。表1 行准分子激光手术的658(1 304眼)名新兵眼部疾病调查结果两年后,有575名战士随访成功,83名战士失访,复检中发现干眼症、眩光以及高眼压等疾患明显减少(P<0.05),角膜疾病的数量稍有减少;而其他疾患均有所升高,但无统计学意义(P>0.05),详见表2。
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