作者:王兆艳,张卯年,李星星,崔霞 作者单位:(100853)中国北京市,中国人民解放军总医院眼科
【关键词】 高龄;角膜;屈折力;散光;白内障
Analysis of the characteristic of corneal anterior refractive power and association with cataract surgery in venerable aged population
ZhaoYan Wang, MaoNian Zhang, XingXing Li, Xia Cui
Department of Ophthalmology, Peoples Liberation Army General Hospital, Beijing 100853, China
Correspondence to: ZhaoYan Wang. Department of Ophthalmology, Peoples Liberation Army General Hospital, Beijing 100853, China. [email protected]
Abstract AIM: To investigate the characteristic of radius of curvature of corneal anterior surface and the association with cataract surgery in venerable aged population. METHODS: The radius of curvature of corneal anterior surface of 517 cases over 75 years old, hospitalized in our department from March, 1999 to August, 2004, were examined before cataract surgery, and the change was compared within 3 months after surgery. Fifty volunteers aged 1840 were randomly selected as normal control group. The data were recorded and analyzed.RESULTS: The refractive power in vertical line of aged group was 43.42±1.46D, in horizontal line was 43.13±1.62D, againsttherule astigmatism was 38.5% and were significantly higher than those of control group. Phacoemulsification had no notable effect on the radius of curvature of the anterior corneal surface, but the small incision cataract extraction made the radius of curvature of corneal anterior surface become againsttherule astigmatism change.CONCLUSION: The refractive power of elderly people changes, especially in horizontal line, astigmatism increases, and cataractous surgery incision and suture should correspondingly change. KEYWORDS: venerable aged; cornea; refractive power; astigmatism; cataract
用德国Zeiss公司生产的角膜曲率仪对上述患者进行测量。检测每个患者角膜前面中央光学区(optic zone)两个主要经线上的屈折力,测量3次,取其平均值,45°轴以上者(包括45°)作为垂直经线,45°轴以下者作为水平经线计算,按统计学方法进行处理,并进行显著性检验,白内障术后的相关检查以术后3mo为标准。全部手术由本文第一作者完成,其中行白内障超声乳化+折叠人工晶状体植入术者为342眼,手术切口长3.2mm,切口位于12点角巩膜缘或稍后;行白内障小切口囊外摘除+人工晶状体植入术者为175眼,切口位置选在12点角膜缘后1.5~2.0mm,长约5.5~6.0 mm,为直线切口。
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