作者:朱洪丽 作者单位:110031)中国辽宁省沈阳市第四人民医院眼科
【摘要】 目的:观察板层角膜烧灼术治疗大泡性角膜病变(bullous keratopathy,BK)的手术疗效。
【关键词】 大泡性角膜病变;角膜板层烧灼
Lamellar cauterization of cornea for the treatment of bullous keratopathy HongLi Zhu The 4th Peoples Hospital of Shenyang, Shenyang 110031, Liaoning Province, China Abstract AIM: To study the clinical effects of lamellar cauterization of cornea in treating bullous keratopathy (BK). METHODS: A total of 12 cases (12 eyes), including 3 cases caused by agerelated cataract extraction and posterior chamber intraocular lens implantation, 4 cases after phacoemulsification, 1 case after combined surgery, 3 cases caused by absolute glaucoma, 1 case by eye trauma, 6 cases with preoperative eye irritation and no light perception, 2 cases with inaccurate light perception and light positioning, and 4 cases with hand movement, were treated by lamellar cauterization of cornea.
RESULTS: Irritation such as orbital pain symptom was relieved and disappeared 1 day after operation. No recurrences of BK or complications were observed in the following 2 to 24 months. 57 days after operation, corneal edema alleviated and epithelial blisters disappeared under slit lamp. The followup lasted for 2 months to 2 years. Postoperative visual acuity increased to 0.02, and stimulating symptoms disappeared. Hoar turbid was observed in cornea layers under the slit lamp. No recurrence and complications occured. CONCLUSION: Treating BK by lamellar cauterization of cornea can effectively alleviate the symptom and prevent recurrence.
KEYWORDS: bullous keratopathy; lamellar cauterization of cornea
0引言 临床上治疗大泡性角膜病变(bullous keratopathy,BK)尚无特效药物,公认的治疗方法是穿通性角膜移植。由于条件限制不能普及,且有的病例也不适合手术。我院自2002年以来,采用角膜板层烧烙的方法治疗12例12眼BK患者,获得了满意的效果,现报告如下。
1.1对象 12例12眼患者中,男7例,女5例,均单眼发病,43~78岁,右眼8例,左眼4例。老年性白内障囊外摘除人工晶状体植入术后发病3例,白内障超声乳化术后发病4例,青光眼白内障联合术后1例,绝对期青光眼引起3例,眼外伤引起1例。病程3mo~5a。光感阴性6例,光感者2例,眼前手动者4例,绝对期青光眼3例,眼压>5.78kPa,其余9例眼压在正常范围。所有患者均有明确的BK表现:明显的眼睑痉挛、眼部磨痛、畏光、流泪,患眼充血明显,角膜混浊水肿有大小不等的散在上皮型水泡,有的已破裂,瞳孔轮廓隐约可见。多数眼内结构视不清。
1.2方法 采用角膜层间烧灼法治疗,步骤如下:(1)常规消毒,用4g/L表面麻醉药点眼3次,眼部症状严重者选用20g/L利多卡因球后麻醉;(2)开睑器开睑,结膜下浸润麻醉,做上直肌牵引固定缝线;(3)近角膜缘处切开除5∶00~7∶00方位外约1/2厚度角膜,将板层翻转后开始烧灼;(4)用烧灼的大头针帽烧灼植床,使角膜呈现均匀一致的灰白色;(5)恢复角膜瓣,用100尼龙线间断缝合板层角膜;(6)球结膜下注射抗生素30mg,氟美松2.5mg,包扎术眼。术毕抗生素眼膏点眼,抗炎及对症治疗。
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