2013年8月16日讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --比利时生物技术公司Thrombogenics 8月16日宣布,眼科药物Jetrea已获加拿大卫生部批准,这是该药在欧美之外地区获得的首个监管批准。
诺华已经从Thrombo Genics公司获得Jetrea在美国以外市场的销售权。Jetrea于2012年10月获FDA批准,并于2013年3月获欧盟委员会(EC)批准。
英文原文:Canadian regulator approves Thrombogenics eye drug
Aug 16 (Reuters) - Belgian biotech firm Thrombogenics said Canadian regulator Health Canada had approved its eye drug Jetrea, the first approval the drug has received outside of the United States and Europe.
Outside of the United States, Jetrea is marketed by Novartis unit Alcon, Thrombogenics said.
Jetrea treats symptomatic vitreomacular adhesion, an age-related condition which can lead to blindness. |