【摘要】 目的 探讨下泪道破坏严重时泪液引流途径。方法 在结膜囊-鼻前庭间安置一个内径1mm、外径2mm的特制硅胶导管,此管置于鼻颊沟软组织下,上颌骨前突表面。结果 治疗32例,观察5年以上,其中1例因结膜乳头状瘤增生而拔管,1例因导管下滑而拔管,30例引流良好,病人亦能耐受。本文就引流机制、并发症、机体耐受问题和操作进行了详细地讨论。结论 泪道外插管是下泪道严重损害时泪液引流的一种较好的解决方法。
【关键词】 皮下;结膜鼻腔造瘘术;硅胶导管
Drainage with inferior lacrimal passage YU Chang-tai,TU Hui-fang,ZHANG Han-bin,et al. Aier Eye Hospital of Wuhan,Wuhan 430063,China 【Abstract】 Objective To explore the drain way to tear with inferior lacrimal passage ruined critically.Methods The special silicon tube whose bore 1mm and diameter 2mm was inserted between conjunctival sac and nasal vestibule,the tube was placed under the soft tissue of bucco-nasal groove and in the surface of the protrusion of upper jaw bone.Results There were 32 patients who undergone tube above five years.One patient of them was pulled out the tube because of papilloma hyperplasia,the other patient was pulled out the tube with the tube slide below,and the rest 30 patients kept the drain well and could tolerant.There were particular discuss about the mechanism of drain,complication,patients tolerance and the operation in this paper.Conclusion Intubation outside the lacrimal passage is a better drain way to treat inferior lacrimal passage with ruined critically. 【Key words】 subcutaneous;conjunctivorhinomy;silicon tube
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料 1995年4月~2000年3月共接诊32例病人,其中男10例,女22例,年龄32~65岁,均为单眼,28例为自发性泪道阻塞,4例为外伤性泪道阻塞,病程均在1年以上。
1.2 手术方法 (1)结膜囊与鼻前庭黏膜表面麻醉,鼻颊沟处皮下浸润麻醉;(2)上颌窦穿刺针置于鼻前庭,向上、向后、向外侧方向进针,在后面梨形孔的骨缘与前面外侧鼻黏膜的后缘间通过,横穿鼻前庭,贴近上颌骨前突的前表面,朝向内眦部,利用左手食指在皮肤面触诊以掌握方向,在肌肉下面,骨膜上面形成一个隧道(见图1);(3)当穿刺针进到结膜下穹隆部时,用镊子绷紧结膜,导出穿刺针,抽出针芯,留置套管。上端开口应位于泪阜与半月皱襞间的沟中,如果泪阜已被破坏,则置于原泪阜位置处;(4)将硅管导入套管内;(5)移去套管;(6)剪除多余硅管。下端剪成斜面,留下2mm伸入鼻窝内,上端剪成与轻度倾斜的下睑板平行的平面(见图2)。图1 上颌窦穿引针在结膜囊——鼻前庭间形成隧道图2 结膜囊——鼻前庭间留置的硅管
2 结果
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