眼科研究 2000年第2期第18卷 临床研究
作者:蒋沁 姚进 袁南荣
单位:210029 南京医科大学第一附属医院眼科
摘要 目的 为提高手术成功率、减少并发症,对无前房复杂性穿透性角膜移植手术的方法和技巧进行改革。方法 14例(14眼)无前房的穿透性角膜移植手术,术中采用了制作球结膜瓣和巩膜瓣以利引流的方法,并在分离虹膜前后粘连形成前房及白内障摘出和同期人工晶状体植入的方法上进行了改良。结果 随访6~12个月,其中12眼植片透明,2眼半透明,取得了满意效果。结论 探讨了改进手术方法的解剖生理依据,证明了此方法在临床上的实际使用价值。
分类号 R 779.6
The surgical technique of complex penetrating keratoplasty without
anterior chamber
Jiang Qin,Yao Jin,Yuan Nanrong.
Department of Ophthalmology,the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical
University,Nanjing 210029
Abstract ObjectiveTo increase the success rate and decrease the complications of the surgery in penetrating keratoplasty without anterior chamber by improved surgical techniques and methods.Methods14 patients(14 eye s)without anterior chamber were performed complex penetrating keratoplasty.Conjunctival and scleral flaps were produced,the goniosynechialsis blunt dissection,cataract extraction and IOL implantation were applied with some improvement.ResultsFollowing up for 6~12 months after surgery,12 eye grafts were transparent and 2 eye grafts were semitransparent The correc ted visual acuity of all cases after sur gery were better than that of preoperati on in different degrees.The postoperativ e complications were all under control. ConclusionBasis on the improved surgical methods and results suggest that these techniques are feasible in penetrating keratoplasty without anterior chamber.The above improved surgery method has wider indica tions,less complications and higher successful rate.
Key words penetrating keratoplasty goniosynechialysis
1 对象与方法
1.1 对象
1.2 方法
植片的制备:11例植片取自于4℃冰箱内湿房保存的眼球材料,保存期24 h以内;3例新鲜供体眼球保存在EP保存液内,保存期为3~4天,植片直径为6.8~7.2 mm(大于植床直径0.3~0.4 mm),经内皮面冲切而成。
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