眼科研究 2000年第2期第18卷 实验研究
作者:钟一声 李浒源 金婉容 赵仲礼 陈盛举 施耀卿 曲莉
单位:钟一声(200025 上海第二医科大学瑞金医院眼科中心);李浒源 金婉容 陈盛举 施耀卿(兰州医学院第二附属医院眼科);赵仲礼 曲莉(甘肃省卫生防疫站中心实验室)
摘要 目的观察维拉帕米(verapamil)在半乳糖性白内障形成和发展过程中的作用。方法55只Wistar雄性大鼠分为4组,2组动物每日腹腔注射50%D-半乳糖两次,剂量为30 ml/(kg·d),其中1组每天皮下注射维拉帕米12 mg/(kg·d),共30天。另2组注 射相同剂量的生理盐水,其中1组动物也给予皮下注射维拉帕米,观察时间相同。术后不同时间散瞳观察晶状体的动态变化,用日本岛津AA-640-13型原子吸收分光光度计检测血清和晶状体内的Na+,K+,Ca2+浓度。结果半乳糖注射30天后,未经治疗组几乎所有动物形成核性或核性以上的白内障,而治疗组所有动物晶状体均未形成核性混浊。维拉帕米能明显减轻白内障晶状体中Ca2+,K+,Na+浓度和Na+/K+的变化。结论维拉帕米能有效阻止半乳糖性白内障的形成和发展。
分类号 R 776
The control value of verapamil in galactose induced cataract
Zhong Yisheng,Li Huyuan,Jin Wanrong,et al.
Ophthalmic Center,Ruijin Hospital,Shanghai Second Medical University,Shanghai 200025
Abstract ObjectiveTo observe the effects on cataractogenesis of Ca2+ antagonist drug verapamil to the rats of galactose induced cataract.MethodsFifty-five 4-week old male Wistar rats were ascertained to have clear lens with slit-lamp microscope under mydriasis.The animals were randomized into four groups.Two groups were administered 50% D-galactose twice a day intraperitoneally for 30 d and one of the two groups also received verapamil 12 mg/(kg·d).The other two control groups were injected 0.9% saline twice a day intraperitoneally for the same days and verapamil at the same doses respectively.The lenses were monitored regularly under 1% atropine mydriasis with the slit-lamp and the levels of Ca2+,Na+,K+ in sera and lens were determined by a Shimadzu AA-640 - 13 atomic absorption spectrophotometer.ResultsAlmost all lenses in galactose alone group formed nuclear opacity after 30 d,while all lenses in verapamil-treated galactose group exhibited less opacity than a nuclear-cataract.Lenticular electrolyte imbalance,particularly Ca2+,in the injection galactose animals was closely correlated with cataract development,and verapamil significantly reduced the alteration in ion concentrations of Ca2+,Na+,K+.Verapamil also decreased Na+/K+ ratios of the galactose groups.ConclusionVerapamil could reduce the formation and development of galactose cataract.
Key word sverapamil calcium channel antagonist galactose cataract
1 材料与方法
1.1 动物和试剂:采用约4周龄Wistar雄性大鼠(兰州医学院动物房提供),体重45~60 g,经散瞳后裂隙灯检查晶状体透明。D-半乳糖粉剂为上海试剂二厂产品,配成50%D-半乳糖生理盐水液,常规灭菌后使用。维拉帕米注射液为辽宁锦州制药二厂产品。
1.2 动物模型和给药方法
1.2.1 将动物随机分成4组。A组:10只,腹腔注射生理盐水;B组:15只,腹腔注射生理盐水+下腹部外侧皮下注射维拉帕米;C组:15只,腹腔注射半乳糖液+下腹部外侧皮下注射维拉帕米;D组:15只,腹腔注射半乳糖液。
1.2.2 腹腔注射剂量:30 ml/(kg·d),相当于半乳糖15 g/(kg·d),分上下午两次注入各15 ml/(kg·d),连续30天,每次常规消毒后注入。
1.2.3 皮下注射剂量:12 mg/(kg·d),分上下午两次注入下腹部外侧皮下(各6 mg/kg),连续30天,每次常规消毒后注入。
1.2.4 于实验开始后7,14,21,30天分别以1%阿托品散瞳后,裂隙灯观察晶状体动态变化,同时作详细的文字记录、绘图及摄像,并按黄秀榕等介绍的分期方法将白内障分为Ⅰ~Ⅴ期[3]。
1.3.1 所有动物于第31天乙醚麻醉下作心脏穿刺采血,静置3~4 h后,1 500 r/min离心取血清0.5 ml,加入9∶1的硝酸与高氯酸混合液2 ml充分消化后,加热去尽硝酸,加入10%硝酸镧0.25 ml,用0.1 mol/L盐酸定容至5 ml,4℃冰箱保存。
1.3.2 后路取出晶状体,清除表面粘附物,用滤纸吸除表面水分后,每2个晶状体置于加热后恒重的坩埚内,立即称取湿重(减去坩埚重量除以2即为每个晶状体的平均湿重),然后于80~100℃干烤24 h,作为晶状体干重,并记录。
1.3.3 将干烤过的晶状体放入马福炉内460℃,12 h烧成灰,加入含1%硝酸镧的0.1 mol/L盐酸定容至5 ml。
1.3.4 用日本岛津AA-640-13型原子吸收分光光度计测定晶状体及血清中Na+,K+,Ca2+含量,每份标本测3次,取其平均值。
1.3.5 采血及处理晶状体的所有注射器、试管、吸管和坩埚等均以去离子水清洗3次后使用。
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