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http://www.cnophol.com 2008-11-10 14:56:56 中华眼科在线

中华眼科杂志 1999年第2期第35卷 白内障

作者:姚克 徐雯 陈佩卿 吴仁毅

单位:310009 杭州,浙江大学附属第二医院眼科中心


  【摘要】 目的 评价经角巩膜隧道切口的白内障超声乳化摘除及折叠式人工晶体植入手术的方法和疗效。方法 在上方角巩缘做3.2 mm梯形隧道切口,对103例(110只眼)老年性、并发性、先天性和外伤性白内障行超声乳化摘除,并植入HEMA折叠式人工晶体。结果 术后1天裸眼或球镜矫正视力≥0.5者占90.0%;术后1周,1个月和3个月视力≥1.0者分别为42.5%,63.7%,68.0%。术后1周平均散光为(1.00±0.68)D,仅比术前增加0.07D(P>0.05)。术后1个月和3个月平均散光分别为(0.91±0.55)D和(0.83±0.57)D,与术前亦无统计学差异(P>0.05)。与巩膜隧道切口组和透明角膜隧道切口组散光比较,结果基本相同。结论 提示角巩缘隧道切口的超声乳化和折叠式人工晶体植入,与巩膜隧道切口和透明角膜切口一样具有术后早期恢复和稳定眼屈光状态及视力的优点,但同时能克服巩膜和角膜隧道切口手术的不足之处。

  Phacoemulsification with foldable intraocular lens implantation through a limbus tunnel incisionYAO Ke, XU Wen, CHEN Peiqing, et al. Department of Ophthalmology, Affiliated Second Hospital, Zhejiang Medical University, Hangzhou 310009

  【Abstract】 Objective To advance and evaluate the technique and therapeutic effects of phacoemulsification with foldable intraocular lens implantation through a limbus tunnel incision.Methods The surgery was performed through a 3.2 limbus tunnel incision on 110 eyes of 103 patients with senile, complicated, congenital and traumatic cataracts.Results Postoperatively, the visual acuities with spherical correction or without correction were 0.5 or better in 90.0% of the eyes at one day , and 1.0 or better in 42.5%, 63.7% and 68.0% at one week, one month and three months respectively. The mean postoperative astigmatism was (1.00±0.68) D at one week and only 0.07D more than the mean preoperative one (P>0.05). There was also no statistical difference between the mean preoperative astigmatism and postoperative astigmatism at one and three months, which were respectively (0.91±0.55) D and (0.83±0.57) D. The mean postoperative astigmatism was almost the same as compared between the scleral tunnel incision and clear corneal incision groups.ConclusionThe phacoemulsification with foldable intraocular lens implantation through a limbus tunnel incision can reduce postoperative astigmatism and shorten the period of visual rehabilitation as the operation through a scleral tunnel or a clear corneal incision, and in the mean time the former method can overcome the shortages of the latter two methods.

  【Key words】 Cataract extraction  Lenses, intraocular


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