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http://www.cnophol.com 2008-11-7 16:59:44 中华眼科在线

中华眼科杂志 1999年第3期第35卷 青光眼

作者:曾淑君 张延斌 彭大伟 伍宇平 余克明 周文炳

单位:曾淑君 张延斌 伍宇平(510089广州,中山医科大学药理教研室);彭大伟 余克明 周文炳(中山医科大学中山眼科中心)


  【摘要】 目的 探讨丁公藤碱降眼压作用的分子药理学机制。方法 在恒定光源下用瞳孔尺测量兔瞳孔直径,用气动眼压计测量兔眼压,测量离体兔虹膜的收缩力,采用放射免疫法测定房水的环核苷酸含量。结果 测定丁公藤碱缩瞳作用的pD2值为3.60±0.15,降眼压作用的pD2值为3.49±0.07,离体虹膜收缩作用的pD2值为6.38±0.12。M1~M3受体拮抗剂均可拮抗丁公藤碱的缩瞳作用、降眼压作用及离体虹膜收缩作用,其中以M3受体拮抗剂的拮抗作用最强。0.01%丁公藤碱可使房水环磷酸腺苷(cyclic adenosine monophosphate,cAMP)含量降低,环磷酸鸟苷(cyclic guanosine 3,5-monophosphate;cGMP)含量升高。结论 丁公藤碱的缩瞳和降眼压作用主要通过M3受体介导,其信号转导机制与环核苷酸系统相偶联。

  Studies of the mechanism of lowering intraocular pressure on Erycibele alkaloid  ZENG Shujun, ZHANG Yanbin, PENG Dawei, et al. Department of Pharmacology, Sun Yat-sun University of Medical Sciences, Guangzhou 510089

  【Abstract】 Objective To investigate the molecular pharmacological mechanism of lowering intraocular pressure of Erycibele alkaloid.Methods Rabbit pupil diameter was measured by a pupillary ruler in constant illumination and the intraocular pressure (IOP) was measured by pneumatonometer. Iris contracting force was measured in an experiment of isolated rabbit iris. Radioimmune method was used to determine the content of cyclonucleotide.Results The pD2 value (the affinity to M-receptors of agonist) of Erycibele alkaloid's miosis is 3.60±0.15 and its IOP lowering action is 3.49±0.07. In the isolated iris contracting experiment, its pD2 value is 6.38±0.12. M3 receptor antagonist is the strongest antagonist in inhibiting the miosis, IOP lowering action and isolated iris pupillary contracting action of Erycibele alkaloid. 0.01% Erycibele alkaloid can cause the decrease of cAMP and the increase of cGMP in the aqueous humor.Conclusions The effects of miosis and IOP lowering of Erycibele alkaloid are all mediated by M3 receptor subtype and its signal transductive mechanism is connected with cyclic nucleotide system.

  【Key words】 Erycibele alkaloid Miosis IOP lowering Muscarinic receptor subtype Cyclic nucleotide

  以毛果芸香碱(pilocarpine)为代表的拟胆碱药是一类历史悠久、效力较强的抗青光眼药物,均为毒蕈碱受体(muscarinic receptor,M受体)的激动剂,其降眼压作用机制尚未完全明了。多数学者认为是直接兴奋睫状肌的纵行肌,牵引巩膜嵴,开大小梁网间隙,增加房水外流(用于开角型青光眼)[1,2];直接兴奋虹膜括约肌,引起缩瞳,减少虹膜在房角的堆积,开放房角,恢复房水的正常循环(用于闭角型青光眼)。1987年,Bonner等[3]应用分子克隆技术,证实了M受体的5个亚型,分别命名为M1~M5受体。M受体兴奋后,可通过一系列信号转导(signal transduction)机制发挥作用。信号转导机制主要有3个方面:(1)激活磷酰脂肌醇(phosphatidylinostal,PI);(2)抑制腺苷酸环化酶(adenylate cyclase,AC)或激活鸟苷酸环化酶(guanylate cyclase, GC);(3)离子通道(ionic channal)的变化,但至今各M受体亚型的确切信号转导机制尚未阐明。1992年Gabelt和Kaufman[4]的研究证实毛果芸香碱对猴眼的房水外流、调节痉挛及缩瞳作用均通过M3受体介导。

  丁公藤碱(erycibele alkaloid)是我国特有的应用于临床的抗青光眼中草药,具有与毛果芸香碱相同作用的M受体激动剂[5-7]。但丁公藤碱作用于哪个M受体亚型?又通过哪些信号转导机制发挥其降眼压作用?为探讨丁公藤碱的分子药理学机制,我们进行了以下研究。

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