中华眼科杂志 1998年第6期第0卷 论著
作者:韩丽荣 William G Campbell Robert G Buttery
单位:200433 上海,第二军医大学附属长海医院眼科(韩丽荣);澳大利亚墨尔本皇家维多利亚眼耳医院(William G Campbell、Robert G Buttery)
【摘要】 目的 评价玻璃体切除术治疗晶体坠落物的效果。方法 对1992年10月至1995年10月澳大利亚墨尔本皇家维多利亚眼耳医院所做58例玻璃体切除术治疗晶体坠落物的病例,随访3个月以上资料进行回顾分析。结果 最后随访时残留囊样黄斑水肿3例(5.2%),视网膜脱离2例(3.4%),低眼压 l例(1.7%),其余并发症均消失。其中38只眼(65.5%)最后视力≥0.5,仅6只眼视力<0.05。结论 白内障手术中一旦发生晶体成分坠落于玻璃体内,宜妥善处理眼前段,可能时植入人工晶体,并尽快行玻璃体切除术治疗,一般可取得良好效果。
An analysis of treatment of intravitreal lens fragments following phacoemulsification Han Lirong, William G Campbell, Robert G Buttery. Department of Ophthalmology, Affiliated Changhai Hospital, The Second Military Medical University, Shanghai 200433
【Abstract】 Objective To observe and evaluate the outcome of vitrectomy in the treatment of dropped lens fragments.Method Retrospectively the authors reviewed and analyzed 58 cases of dropped lens fragments that were treated with vitrectomy from October 1992 to October 1995 in Royal Victoria Eye and Ear Hosptial, Melbourne, Australia and followed for at least 3 months.Results At the last follow-up, the remained complications were cystoid macular edema in three cases (5.2%), retinal detachment in two cases (3.4%) and hypotony in one case (1.7%). Other complications were all resolved. The final vision was significantly better than that before vitrectomy. There were 38 eyes (65.5%) with final visual acuities of 0.5 or better, and only 6 eyes (6.9%) with <0.05.Conclusion Once the lens fragments are dropped into the vitreous during phacoemulsification, the ocular anterior segment should be properly managed, if possible intraocular lens is inserted, and then vitrectomy should be performed as soon as possible. Generally, with the above method good therapeutic effects can be obtained.
【Keywords】 Cataract extraction Vitrectomy Retinal detachment
58例中,右眼31例,左眼27例。均发生在白内障超声乳化吸出术中。男32 例,女26例;年龄45~86岁,平均74.6岁。均由该院玻璃体视网膜组医生行玻璃体切除术治疗。术后随访3~30个月,平均8.2个月。
手术采取常规的睫状体平坦部巩膜3切口封闭式玻璃体切除方法。先行眼球中心部位的切除,包括清除出血。若残留的是皮质和囊膜及小碎块的核性物质,均用玻璃体切除的方法清除。而完整的或大块的晶体核则先吸收到眼球中心,再用超声粉碎术去除。术时用导光纤维探头末端协助托起晶体核,便于超声粉碎的操作。58例中有5例术中使用重水,使晶体核被浮起在重水表面眼球中心部位,然后行超声粉碎术清除。对3例合并有视网膜脱离眼,同时行常规视网膜复位术。术后密切随访观察过程中,发现7例视网膜脱离,其中 l例为术前有视网膜脱离眼,另6例为新发生病例。尚发现2例周边视网膜裂孔。对上述患者又行 l~3次视网膜复位术或裂孔封闭术。玻璃体切除术中及再手术时,分别有2例后房型、2例前房型人工晶体被取出,术毕再植入4例后房型、2例前房型人工晶体。2例无晶体眼在半年后行前房型人工晶体二期植入术。
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