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http://www.cnophol.com 2008-11-12 17:12:49 中华眼科在线

  3 讨论


  图1 RB组织VEGF免疫组织化学染色(未分化型)。VEGF阳性表达,RB细胞浆呈阳性染色(箭)。RPE:视网膜色素上皮层 LSAB法 ×1000 图2 RB组织假菊形团VEGF免疫组织化学染色。假菊形团中VEGF阳性表达,VEGF阳性细胞分布于外围的RB细胞浆(箭)  LSAB法 ×250 图3 RB组织血管内皮细胞VEGF免疫组织化学染色。RB组织血管内皮细胞浆呈阳性染色(箭) LSAB法 ×1000 图4 正常视网膜VEGF免疫组织化学染色。正常视网膜视锥视杆层VEGF阳性表达(箭)  LSAB法 ×200 图5 分化型RB组织VEGF免疫组织化学染色。分化型RB组织RB细胞浆呈VEGF弱阳性表达(箭)。OPL:外丛状层;IPL:内丛状层 LSAB法 ×250

  Fig.1 VEGF immunohistochemical reaction of RB tissue(non-differentiated)、VEGF positive expressed,cytoplasm of RB cells showed positive reaction(arrow)  LSAB method ×1000 Fig.2 VEGF immunohistochemical reaction in paeudorosete VEGF potitive expressed cells located at outer part of paudorosette(arrow) LSAB method ×250 Fig.3 VEGF immunohistochemical reaction in vascular endothelial cells of RB tessiue.Cytoplasm of vascular endothelial cells in RB showed VEGF positive reaction(arrow) LSAB method ×1000 Fig.4 VEGF immunohistochemical recction in normal retina.Rods and cones of normal retina.showed positive VEGF reaction(arrow) LSAB method ×200 Fig.5 VEGF immunohistochemical reaction in differentiated RB tissue.Cytoplasm of differentiated RB cells showed weak positive VEGF expression(arrow) LSAB method ×250

表1 VEGF表达与RB组织学分型的关系

  Tab.1 Correlation between VEGF expression and

  RB cell differentiation

Defferentiation No. Intensity of VEGF expression P value
+ ++ +++
Differentiated 13 2 8 3 0 <0.05
Non-differentiated 27 1 7 11 8

表2 VEGF表达与RB浸润视神经的关系

  Tab.2 Correlation between VEGF expression and

  infltration of optic nerve

Defferentiation No. Intensity of VEGF expression P value
+ ++ +++
Infiltrated 14 1 2 4 7 <0.05
Non-infiltrated 26 2 13 10 1






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(收稿:1999-02-01 修回:1999-07-05)

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