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不同程度近视组间Q值调整非球面切削与标准切削LASI K术后疗效观察

http://www.cnophol.com 2009-4-23 14:52:41 中华眼科在线




  收稿日期:2008—11—11 修回日期:2009—01—06

  Observation of LASIK with Q—guidedaspheric and standard ablation for dif—level m yopia groups
Ling-Fei Hu,Li-Ming Tao,Qing Zhang

  Department of Ophthahnology,the First Affiliated Hospital of Anhui Medical University.Hefei 230032,Anhui Province.China

  Correspondence to:Li—Ming Tao.Department of Ophthalmology,the First Afiliated Hospita1 of Anhui Medica1 University. Herei230032.Anhui Province.China.Lmtao9@ 163.coin

  Received:2008—11—11 Accepted:2009—01—06


  ·AIM :T0 analyze corneal profiIe .corneal aberration and entire optical system wavefront aberration in patientstreated with Q—guided aspheric profile ablation com paredwith patients having standard ablation in LASIK to correctmyopia. and to evaluate the cIinica J effects ofpOst0peratiVe treatm ent.

  ·METH0DS:According to spherical equivalent(SE),1 56patients were divided into low myopic g roup(89 eyes of47 patients),moderate myopic group (1 35 eyes of 71patients)and high myopic group (71 eyes of38 patients).Each group were divided into aspheric profile subg roup(F)and standa rd subgroup (C).Low myopic group (F:45 eyes of 24 patients,C:44 eyes of 23 patients.);Moderate myopic g roup (F:66 eyes of 35 patients;C:69eyes of 36 patients).High myopic g roup f F:36 eyes of 19patients.35 eyes of 19 patients.A total of 147 eyes of 78patients in F subgroup and 148 eyes of 78 patients in Csubgroup.The p0stoperative visual acuity, Q—value,corneaI and opticaI eye aberration of al1 eyes werecom pared in F subg roup and C subg roup.

  ·RESULTS:The postoperative uncorrected visuaI acuity(UCVA)of all eyes were sarisfying after 3 months foIlow—up.There was no significant diference in term of posto—perative refractions between the two subgroups. ThecorneaI profile transformed oblate corneal asphericitiesafter surgery.All patients corneal aberration and optical
high—order aberration increased postopera—tively. In Fsubg roup of low and moderate myopic groups, the
increased extent of Q—value, ,C12 and RMSh (rootmean squa re high)were significantly less than that of C
subg roup (P<0.05),however,there was no statisticaldifference between these two subg roups in high myopic
group.There were no significant diference between thesetwo subgroups in all groups.

  · CONCLUSION: Q—guided aspheric profile andcOnventiOnaI LASl K were safe and e什icient for the
correction of myopia. Moreover.Q—guided aspheric pro—f¨e LASIK induced a smal1er increment of corneaI and theentire optical system of the eye high—order wavefrontaberration.especially of spherical aberration in low and
moderate myopic groups, and better maintained thephysiology of the corneal surface than conventionaltreatm ent.

  · KEYW ORDS: aspheric: keratomileusis; Iaser in situ;m yopia;corneaHu LF,Tao LM,Zhang Q.Observation of LASIK with Q—guidedaspheric and standard ablation for dif-level myopia groups./nt J Ophthalmo] uoji Yanke Zazhi 2009;9(2):315—317


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