LIU Shui-zhong WEI Shi-hui ZHOU Huan-fen
Department of ophthalmology,TheSecond Affiliated Hospital of Qi qi ha er Medical College, Hei long jiang China161006 Objective To study and research epidemiology, predisposing factor, clinical feature, management and prognosis as well as the relation to ophthalmology. Method :To report clinical data about a case of sphenoidal sinus mucormycosis and to analyze according to pertinent literature in and abroad. Results A male patient,58 years-old who have diabetes mellitus complicated with nasocular-mucormycosis. After combined therapy including per nasal introscope to enlarge apertures of maxillary sinus, frontal sinus, sphenoidal sinus to cut pathological changes about accessory nasal cavity , to use antifungaland to control blood sugar with insulin pumps, it is clinical cure. Conclusion Nose-mucormycosis is often secondary to hypoimmunity diseases such as diabetes mellitus. Clinical manifestations include eye symptom such asoptic neuritis, papilla oedematous, orbital apex syndrome. Many patients firstly go to ophthalmology to require cure ,so oculist should think highly of this disease .