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Video reports

http://www.cnophol.com 2009-7-6 15:29:27 中华眼科在线

【关键词】  Video

To view the video reports in full visit our website www.bjophthalmol.com and click on the link to the video reports.

Video Suite: Subconjunctival dirofilariasis

Removal of Dirofilarial worm from the subconjunctival space. D Malik, S Alexander

Subconjunctival Dirofilariasis. G Singh, K Myint, P Sathyain, S Mon, R Manikandan, B Dhillon

Magnet-assisted pars plana vitrectomy for giant metallic intraocular foreign body. R Jorge, RA Costa, JC Castro, RC Siqueira

Suture of a Subluxated Posterior Chamber Lens within the Capsular Bag. LE Fernández de Castro, KD Solomon

Ocular Onchocerciasis: Anterior Chamber Microfilariae. WJ Flynn, HD Dillon

Zero Phaco Microincision Cataract Surgey: The Hacc Technique. K Vaitheeswaran, S Gars, R Grover, M Nadar, S Sharma

The presenting features of multiple sclerosis. VJMBarrett, J Walker, JS Elton

Removal of INTACS: Stepped surgical complexity demonstrated with three cases. L Ilari, J C McAlister, D S Gartry

The Nuclear Slide: A novel approach for unleashing the potential of the hydrodissection wave. A Naseri

Giant pleomorphic adenoma of the lacrimal gland: pre- and post-operative function. A Jain, V I Nehru, U N Saikia, C E E Reddy

Limbal-sparing lamellar keratoplasty. S L Watson, S Rauz, J Dart



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