作者:刘丽丽,徐艳萍,刘艳,王建华 作者单位:100054)中国北京市监狱管理局中心医院眼科
【摘要】 目的:观察近视度数与非接触眼压测量值之间的关系。
【关键词】 眼压;近视;青光眼
Relationship between diopter of myopia and noncontact intraocular pressure LiLi Liu, YanPing Xu, Yan Liu, JianHua Wang Department of Ophthalmology,Beijing Prison Administration Bureau Central Hospital, Beijing 100054, China Abstract AIM: To observe association between the degree of myopia and noncontact intraocular pressure (IOP).
METHODS: Two hundred and fiftyfour eyes of 127 myopia patients aged 12 to 45 years old(mean 32.2±7.7) were selected. Noncontact IOP and degree of myopia were examined. They were divided into three groups by their spherical equivalent(SE): low myopia groups(LM)(3.00D<SE≤0.25D,n=111), meta myopia groups(MM)(6.00D<SE≤3.00D,n=73)and high myopia groups(HM)(SE≤6.00D,n=24). At corresponding time 46 eyes were selected randomly from 23 patients without myopia as nonmyopic group(NM). Differences of IOP of the four groups were compared by analysis of variance, the correlation between degree of myopia and noncontact IOP by rectilinear correlation and the rate of patients with ocular hypertension to patients with or without myopia by χ2 analysis.
RESULTS: IOP of NM(15.32±3.07)is lower than that of LM(16.46±2.85, P=0.032) and MM (17.90±3.37, P<0.01), and there were statistical differences. There are no statistical differences in the IOP between HM and NM. There was no correlation between the degree of myopia and noncontact IOP (P=0.543), and noncontact IOP of MM was higher than that of the other three groups(P=0.002, P=0.013, P<0.01). The rate of myopia patients with ocular hypertension to patients with or without myopia was 8.65% and 2.5% respectively, and the difference was significant(P<0.01).
CONCLUSION: If the IOP is checked by noncontact tonometer, the low and media myopia patients seems to be easier to suffer from ocular hypertension than NM patients. IOP of MM is the highest, There is no difference of IOP between HM and NM, but the reason needs to be inspected furtherly.
KEYWORDS: intraocular pressure; myopia; glaucoma
方法:选择我院门诊就诊及体健的近视患者127例254眼,年龄12~45(平均32.2±7.7)岁。测量非接触眼压及验光检查近视屈光度。按照等效球镜(spherical equivalent, SE)的度数分为低度近视组(LM)(3.00D<SE≤0.25D,n=111眼)中度近视组(MM)(6.00D<SE≤3.00D,n=73眼)、高度近视组(HM)(SE≤6.00D,n=24眼),非近视组(SE>0.25D,n=46)作为无近视组(NM)。应用SPSS 11.5统计软件用方差分析比较4组眼压的差别,应用相关直线回归分析方法分析近视眼眼压与近视度数之间的关系,应用χ2检验对近视以及非近视组的高眼压患者所占比率进行统计分析。
结果:眼压测量值非近视组(15.32±3.07)mmHg明显低于低度近视组(16.46±2.85)mmHg,P=0.032和中度近视组(17.90±3.37)mmHg,P<0.01,差异有统计学意义;与高度近视组(16.12±2.54)mmHg,差异无统计学意义P=0.295,中度近视组眼压高于其他3组,差异有统计学意义,P值分别为0.002,0.013,<0.01,所有近视患者近视度数与眼压之间无明显相关性,P=0.543 ,近视患者高眼压(眼压>21mmHg)患者(18眼)占8.6%,对照组非近视患者中高眼压患者占2.5%, 差异有统计学意义,P<0.01。
0引言 近视与开角型青光眼的关系是近年来许多学者关注的问题,眼压是诊断青光眼的重要指标之一,而近视程度与眼内压的关系以及与开角型青光眼之间的内在联系目前尚无统一结论。本研究旨在进一步搜集临床资料,探讨二者间的关系。
1.1对象 连续选取200810/200907在我院门诊就诊及体健近视患者排除相关眼病如白内障、角膜疾病、色素膜炎、明确诊断的青光眼、眼底疾病等眼部疾病,共127例254眼,男66例132眼,女61例122眼, 年龄12~45(平均32.2±7.7)岁。按照等效球镜(spherical equivalent, SE)的度数分为低度近视组(LM)(3.00D<SE≤0.25D,n=111眼),中度近视组(MM)(6.00D<SE≤3.00D,n=73眼),高度近视组(HM)(SE≤6.00D ,n=24 眼),非近视组(SE>0.25D,n=46)作为无近视组(NM)。
1.2方法 所有患者在8∶00~10∶00am进行自动非接触眼压仪(TOPCON CT.60)测量眼压,测量3次取平均值。应用自动电脑验光仪(TOPCON KR.8800)测量近视度数,35岁以下者采用复方托品卡胺散瞳验光。两项检查均为同一人操作。 统计学分析:应用SPSS 11.5统计软件做统计分析,应用相关直线回归分析方法分析近视眼眼压与近视度数之间的关系,用单因素方差分析进行非近视组眼压、低度近视组、中度近视组、高度近视组4组间眼压比较,应用χ2检验对近视以及非近视组的高眼压患者所占比率进行统计分析,以P<0.05作为有统计学意义的标准。
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