Perfluorocarbon Liquid-assisted Bimanual technique with Chandelier illumination in Diabetic Tractional Retinal Detachment
汪朝阳 赵培泉
上海交通大学医学院附属新华医院眼科 温州医学院附属眼视光医院 200092
Aim:To evaluate the value and applicability of using Perfluorocarbon Liquid(PFCL)-assisted bimanual technique for fibrovascular membrane removal with chandelier illumination during diabeticTRD.
Method:In the prospective,interventional case series,the author performed this technique in thirty eyes of 24 patients.Mean age of the patients was 57.1 years(range,37–82 years).The patients were followed up for a mean of 9.8 months(range,6–18 months).
Results:Mean membrane removal time was 35.4 minutes(range,16–66 minutes).Anatomic success—accompanied by visual improvement in 80.0%(24/30)—occurred in 100%(30/30)of eyes.The mean preoperative best-corrected visual acuities were 2.2 logarithm log MAR;it increased to 1.3 log MAR at last visit(P<0.001).Complications included iatrogenic retinal breaks in 2(6.7%)eyes,vitreous hemorrhage requiring another procedure in 4(13.3%)eyes,and elevated intraocular pressure in 1(3.3%)eyes.
Conclusions:This report demonstrates the applicability of using PFCL-assisted bimanual technique with chandelier illuminationduring vitrectomy in eyes with TRD in PDR. |