摘要 目的 探讨新型的共焦激光断层扫描仪在黄斑部病变鉴别诊断中的应用价值。方法 运用共焦激光断层扫描仪(HRT)对32例黄斑病变患眼相应病变部位进行检测,以28例正常眼为对照组。 结果 黄斑全层裂孔组、板层裂孔组与正常眼组相比以及两病变组间比较黄斑区平均最大深度均有显著差异(P<0.01)。黄斑水肿组黄斑区视网膜则明显抬升。结论 共焦激光断层扫描地形图是一种非 侵入性的检测方法,操作方便、快速、安全,是黄斑部病变鉴别诊断较理想的手段。
Confocal scanning laser tomographic analysis of the retina in eyes with macular
Fan Ying Zhang Xi Wang Fang
(Department of Ophthalmology,Shanghai First People’s Hospital,
Shanghai 200080)
Abstract ObjectiveTo access the potential of a new diagnostic technology called Heidelberg retina tomography (HRT) for imaging macular diseases.Methods Thirty-two patients with macular diseases (fourteen with full-thickness macular hole,eight with laminar macular hole and ten with macular edema)underwent scanning of their affected macular area using the HRT.Normal subjects were taken as controls(n=28).The following parameters were evaluated:the average maximal depth of the hole,the area of the hole and the height of elevated retina rim.Results The normal eyes had smooth surface with shallow depression in the macular area.The average depth was (0.047±0.019)mm,and the area was (0.010±0.006)mm2.The full-thickness macular holes characterized by evident cave in the macular with sharp rim and flat base.The average depth was (0.256±0.038)mm,and the area was (0.576±0.250)mm2.They were much larger than the normal ones(P<0.01).In one patient the retina at the rim of the hole was elevated to 0.086 mm because of subretinal fluid.The laminar macular holes showed irregular depression in the foveal with less sharp edge.The average depth(0.149±0.070)mmand the average area(0.242±0.110)mm2had significant differences than the former two groups (P<0.01).The elevation of the surrounding macular indicated the adhesion of vitrous to the retina.In patients with macular edema,the retina was elevated up to an average of (0.325±0.217)mm in the area about (3.260±2.740)mm2.ConclusionsThe confocal scanning laser tomograph is a new method that allows measurements of the tonography of the internal limiting membrane and pathophysiologic characteristics and in a variety of disorders of the macula.
Key words retinal breaks macular edema ophthalmoscope laser scannin
共焦激光断层扫描仪(Heidelberg retina tomography,HRT)是新一代的眼底检查仪器,它以近红外激光为光源,对视网膜进行点到点的扫描,反射的光线通过共焦口,滤去非共焦面的干扰波,将信息送入电脑进行分析,合成高分辨率三维眼底断层图,不仅可以展示视网膜内界膜地形分布状态,同时能进行定量测定,是以往的眼底镜所无法比拟的[1]。本文应用这种仪器检测黄斑病变患者的眼底,以探讨其在临床诊断中的应用价值。
1 对象与方法
1.1 对象:检测组:32例黄斑病变患者(32只眼),男18例,女14例;右15只眼,左17只眼;平均年龄41岁(13~70岁);矫正视力0.01~0.4;平均屈光度-3.0DS(0~-7.0DS)。其中黄斑全层裂孔14例,板层裂孔8例,黄斑 水肿10例。患眼均经检眼镜、三面镜、荧光造影(fluorescence angiography,FA)明确诊断。全层裂孔:黄斑区视网膜圆形缺损,边界清晰,其中1例孔边视网膜轻度环形隆起,提示有少量视网膜下液。FA示黄斑早期呈圆形透荧区,视网膜脱离者晚期见少量荧光积聚。板层裂孔:眼底镜下见裂孔缘呈斜坡状凹陷,边缘不如全层孔锐利,无视网膜脱离。FA未见透荧区,或仅有少量散在透荧。黄斑水肿:均为视网膜中央静脉栓塞患者,黄斑区视网膜水肿,反光消失。FA示早期黄斑区周围毛细血管有荧光渗漏,晚期黄斑中心部分荧光积聚呈花瓣状。
1.2 仪器:德国, 共焦激光断层扫描仪。以波长为670nm的激光为光源,扫描范围20°,扫描深度据病变深度而定,扫描时间1.6s。每幅图像含256×256个象素,1 次检测共获32幅不同深度的断层图,计算机将其合成1幅三维图像。横向分辨率7~10μm,纵向分辨率40~50μm。
1.3 检查方法: 被检测者取坐位,无需扩大瞳孔,双眼正视前方,调节激光强度与敏感度,使整幅图像光线均匀,无过亮或过暗区。摄取图像后检查眼球运动情况,运动大于2次则删除,每只眼测3次,取平均值。
1.4 图像处理与统计分析: 画出黄斑病变边界,以周围平坦的视网膜为参考平面,通过HRT内置软件(version2.01)自动计算出黄斑区平均最大深度、凹陷的面积及周围视网膜隆 起的高度,并记录黄斑病变的形态。计算其平均值与标准差,病变组与对照组行t检验。
2 结果
2.1 正常人(见图1):黄斑区视网膜表明光滑,中央小凹并不都能显示,但黄斑区有一较浅的凹陷区。黄斑区视网膜平均凹陷深度与面积见表1。3次测定值间的差异为0.012~0.080mm,平均(0.044±0.024)mm。
1 正常眼:黄斑区视网膜平坦光滑
Fig.1Normal eyes had smooth surface with shallow depression in the macular area
表1 黄斑裂孔组、黄斑板层裂孔组与正常组黄斑区相应测量值比较(±s)
Tab.1 Comparison of measurements in macular area among full-thickness
macular hole gr oup,laminar macular hole group and norm al group (±s)
Group |
Eyes |
Average maximum
depth(mm) |
Average area of the
depression(mm2) |
Normal |
28 |
0.047±0.019 |
0.010±0.006 |
Full-thickness macular hole |
14 |
0.256±0.038 |
0.576±0.250 |
Laminar macular hole |
18 |
0.149±0.070 |
0.242±0.110 |
2.2 黄斑全层裂孔(见图2):黄斑区见圆盘状视网膜缺损,孔边陡峭,底部较宽。伴视网膜脱离眼裂孔周围内界膜环形隆起,高度为0.086mm,提示视网膜下有积液。
2 黄斑全层裂孔:黄斑区圆盘状视网膜缺损,孔边陡峭,底部较宽
Fig.2 Full-thickness macular holes had evident cave in the macular
with sharp rim and flat base
2.3 黄斑板层裂孔(见图3):黄斑区见不规则凹陷区,孔边不整齐,底部高低不平。有2例裂孔边缘视网膜内界膜不规则隆起,最高可达到0.089mm,提示玻璃体对视网膜有牵引。
3 黄斑板层裂孔:黄斑区视网膜不规则凹陷,孔边不整齐,底部高低不平
Fig.3 Laminar macular holes showed irregular depression in the fovea with
less sharp edge
2.4 黄斑水肿(见图4):黄斑区视网膜内界膜隆起,与以上两种病变有明显区别。其最高隆起度可达0.102~0.662mm,平均(0.325±0.217)mm,病变累及范围为0.140~6.980mm2;平均(3.260±2.740)mm2。黄斑中央有凹陷,底部尖锐,但不达到周围视网膜平面,凹陷底部与周围视网膜表面高度差为0.220~0.710mm,平均(0.406±0.123)mm。其中1例患者视网膜隆起度由治疗前0.641mm降低到治疗后的0.156mm,而相应的视力从0.08上升为0.15,提示视力的提高与黄斑区视网膜水肿减退的程度密切相关。黄斑水肿的形态与黄斑裂孔有明显差异,因此本文未将其与以上病变进行统计学比较。
4 黄斑水肿:黄斑区视网膜隆起,中央凹陷,底部尖锐
Fig.4 Macular edema:the retina was elevated with a sharp cave in the fovea
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