摘要 目的 在白内障囊外摘出并 人工晶状体植入术前预测术后的最佳矫正视力。方法 应用Lotmar视力仪预测术前 视力大于或等于0.01的18只手术眼,测不出预测值的手术眼测其对侧眼的预测值。 结果 预测值小于或等于术后最佳矫正视力,差值在0.2以内的有11眼(61.1%),r =0.5858。其余14只手术眼因术前视力小于0.01,测不出预测值,测其对侧白内障眼 的预测值与手术眼术后最佳矫正视力差值在0.2以内有10眼(71.4%),相关系数为0.652 0。结 论 用Lotmar视力仪预测白内障术后最佳矫正视力较准确,值得推广。
Predict postoperat ive best corrected visual acuity in cata ract eyes by Lotmar
Yuan Zhao xu Sun Huimin Yuan Jiaqin
(Internat ional Intraocular Implant Training Centr e,Tianjin Medical
University 30 0070)
Abstract ObjectiveTo evaluate the correlation of the predicted visual acui ty of the cataract eyes before operation with their best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) after being performed cataract o peration.Methods32 senile cataract eye s without any other ocular diseases were performed extracapsular cataract extract ion and intraocular lens implantations.T he Lotmar visometer was used to predict their postoperative visual acuities . 18 eyes with visual acuiti es 0.01 can be measured out the predicte d values.The rest 14 eyes with visual ac uities 0.01 couldn’t be evaluated with t he Lotmar visometer;the predicted values of the contralateral cataractous eyes w as used to predict the BCVA of the opera ted eyes.Their BCVAs were measured withi n 6 months after operation.ResultsAll the predicted visual acuities were worse than or equal to the postoperative BCVA. Among 18 eyes group,the difference betwe en the predicted visual acuity and the p ostoperative BCVA was within 0.2 in 11 cases(61.1%,r=0.5858).Among the 14 e yes group,the differences between the predi cted visions of the contralateral catara ctous eyes and the BCVA of the operated eyes were within 0.2 in 10 cases(71.4%, r=0.6520)ConclusionsThe predicted visual acuit ies of the uncomplicated cataract eyes m easured by Lotmar visometer are very pre cise compared with their postoperative B CVA.
Key words predicted visual acuity c ataract intraocular lens
白内障术前预测术后视力比较困难,常用烛光测量光感及光定位来粗略估计视网膜功能,用电生理测量(如视网膜电流图、视觉诱发电位)、用B超检查视网膜是否有病变,这些方法都无法预测术后视力。预测术后视力的重要性在于能使医生了解病人术后的大概视力情况,对于预测视力差者可以向病人交待病情或不进行手术。目前,预测术后视力的仪器主要有激光干涉仪一类,美国多使用PAM仪器,即用光束将1个Snellen视力表投射至眼底,病人自己测量视力,可用于预测白内障术后视力[1]及预测黄斑囊样水肿愈后的视力[2]。Lotmar Visometer是用两束光射入眼底形成黑白相间的干涉条纹,让病人辨认光栅的方向,换算成视力。我国也研制了激光测定仪[3]。
1 对象与方法
1.1 对象 选择1995年6月至10月间,在本中心住院手术的老年白内障患者32人32只白内障眼,平均年龄65.23岁(50~80岁),男15眼,女17眼。无青光眼、白内障等病史。术前检查视功能(光感、光定位、色觉)正常,裂隙灯查眼前节,直接检眼镜或B超查玻璃体及眼底,Schiotz眼压计测眼压,未见除白内障以外的眼病。
1.2 手术方法 在手术显微镜下进行常规白内障囊外摘出及人工晶状体植入术。根据人工晶状体度数和病人经济状况,选择日本Menicon公司的三体型或瑞典法玛西亚公司的一体型后房人工晶状体,或HOYA公司的UVCY人工晶状体。
1.3 检查方法
1.3.1 视力检查 在病人术后的1周,1,3,6月时用国际标准视力表测单眼最佳矫正视力,取其最好的一次矫正视力值。
1.3.2 Lotmar视力计 使用瑞士HAAG-STREIT 900型裂隙灯的附件Lotmar Visometer。原理为由仪器投射光束通过屈光间质,在眼底形成光栅图像。光栅有垂直、水平、左倾45度、右倾45度4种方向。通过旋转旋钮将光栅调细,记下被检者能正确辨认4个方向中3个的最小刻度,通过换算表,得到相应的预测视力。常用数据为0.15mm直径的进入瞳孔通路直径,视角3.5度,电压5V,当晶状体混浊程度重时可以用6V,7.5V。若手术眼因混浊晶状体无法透过光线时,则测其对侧白内障眼的值。
2 结果
2.1 预测视力与实际术后最佳矫正视力
图1 手术眼术后最佳矫正视力与术前预测视力差值的分布图
0.4和17%表示占总数(18眼)17%的眼,其术后最佳矫正视力与术前预测视力的差 值为0.4。
Fig.1 The distribution of the diffe rences between the best corrected vision and predicted vision of the same eyes Note:0.4 and 17% represent that there are 17% cases (total 18 case s) whose difference between the best co rrected vision and predicted vision of t he same eye is 0.4.
图2 手术眼 术后最佳矫正视力与对测眼术前预测视力差值的分布图
Fig.2 The d istribution of the differences between t he best corrected vision of the operated eyes and the predicted vision of the co ntralateral eyes in the same patients(n =14)
2.2 用预测视力来估计术后视力算出的直线回归方程如下:
3 手术眼术后最佳矫正视力与术前视力预 测值的差别(18眼)
Fig.3 The diff erences between the predicted vision and the
postoperative best corrected vision of the same eye (n=18 )
手术眼的术后最佳矫正视力=0.5115+0.5668×另眼的Lotmar 预测视力值(图4)。
4 手术眼术后最佳矫正视力与对测眼术前视力预测值 的差别(14眼)
Fig.4 The differences between the predicted vision of the unoperated eyes and the
postoperative best correc ted vision of the operated eyes(n=14)
[1] [2] 下一页 |