【摘要】 目的:观察电场作用对培养人视网膜色素上皮(human retinal pigment epithelial, hRPE)细胞活力及分裂过程的影响。方法:hRPE细胞置于强度为8V/cm的直流电场中暴露3h,停止电场作用后继续培养12h;未受电场作用的hRPE细胞作为对照组。显微摄像系统记录各时间点细胞图像,观察细胞形态变化;细胞行台盼蓝拒染活细胞计数及核仁嗜银蛋白(AgNORs)染色,图像分析染色结果;流式细胞仪检测细胞凋亡情况。结果:暴露于电场中的hRPE细胞伸长,垂直于场线方向排列,停止暴露后细胞恢复正常形态及分布;各时间点实验组与对照组细胞的台盼蓝拒染率差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);电场暴露前、暴露3h及停止暴露并继续培养12h后hRPE细胞核内AgNORs颗粒数分别为:6.2,6.5,7.3,与正常对照组细胞比较均无显著差异(P>0.05);流式细胞仪检测结果显示各组均未见明显细胞凋亡。结论:短时间电场作用对hRPE细胞的正常细胞活力及分裂无明显影响,提示该条件下的电场作用可能应用于促进RPE细胞修复的研究。
【关键词】 电场;人视网膜色素上皮细胞;细胞活力;细胞分裂
Effects of an electric field on biological characters of human retinal pigment epithelial cells
Jing Han, XiaoLong Yan, YanNian Hui, QuanHong Han, JiXian Ma, Yue Li
Foundation items: National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 30670510); the equipment donation from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in Germany (to YS Wang, V8151/02085)
1Department of Ophthalmology, Xijing Hospital, Eye Institute of Chinese PLA, the Fourth Military Medical University, Xian 710032, Shaanxi Province, China; 2Department of Thoracic Surgery, Tangdu Hospital, the Fourth Military Medical University, Xian 710038, Shaanxi Province, China; 3Tianjin Eye Hospital , Tianjin 300022, China
Correspondence to: YanNian Hui. Department of Ophthalmology, Xijing Hospital, Eye Institute of Chinese PLA, the Fourth Military Medical University, Xian 710032, Shaanxi Province, China. [email protected]
Abstract AIM: To investigate the effects of an electric field (EF) on the viability and division of human retinal pigment epithelial (hRPE) cells. METHODS: Cultured hRPE cells wereexposed to EF of 8 V/cm for 3 hours and images of the cells were obtained with an image analyzer. After that, the cells were continuously cultured and observed for an additional 12 hours.The viability and division of the cells were evaluated by typan blue and AgNORs staining, and apoptosis of the cells was determined by flow cytometry. The cells without exposing to EF served as control group.RESULTS: In the applied direct current EF of 8 V/cm, hRPE cells changed their shapes to be elongated and oriented with their long axes perpendicular to the vector of the field. After stopped the exposure of EF, we observed for 12 hours. The cells returned to the normal shape and random distribution in the culture medium. Typan blue staining showed no differences between the cells exposed to EF and those in normal control(P>0.05). The results of AgNORs staining showed that the numbers of AgNORs in the nuclei of hRPE cells at 0 hour, 3 hours in EF and 12 hours after stopped EF exposure were 6.2, 6.5 and 7.3 respectively. There was no difference compared with normal control (P>0.05). The results of flow cytometry showed no obvious apoptosis of cells in EF and in control group.CONCLUSION: Our results show that a relatively short period of exposure to EF do not impair the viability and division of hRPE cells, which allows the opportunity to study the application of EF in the enhancement of wound healing. KEYWORDS: electric field; human retinal pigment epithelial cell; cell viability; cell division
改良Eagle培养液(DMEM,美国Gibco公司)、新生小牛血清(中国杭州四季青公司)、胰蛋白酶(美国Gibco公司)、碘化丙锭(PI,Sigma公司),相差生物倒置显微镜Axiovert 25(德国Zeiss公司)。细胞原代培养方法同文献[5],3~4代传代细胞用于实验。用抗人角蛋白抗体免疫细胞化学染色法进行细胞鉴定。当细胞铺满80%培养瓶底面时,2.5g/L胰蛋白酶消化成单细胞悬液,以5×107个/L的密度接种于Ⅰ号盖玻片(10mm×24mm)上,培养箱中孵育24h使细胞贴壁。在培养液中加入丝裂霉素C(10mg/L)培养1h,以抑制细胞增生对实验的影响。
外加的直流电场设备参照文献[6]的方法。用硅酮胶将两片平行放置、厚0.5mm、长24mm、间距10mm的有机玻璃片固定于培养皿底部,其间放入接种有hRPE细胞的Ⅰ号盖玻片,随即于上方覆盖Ⅱ号盖玻片(24mm×14mm);硅酮胶密封,即形成一两端开放的细胞培养小室,维度为10mm×24mm×0.5mm。小室两端分别与10mm×30mm×5mm的玻璃槽连接,以增加培养液容积而防止其pH值产生明显波动。向槽中加入培养液,使其刚好流过细胞培养小室中的细胞表面。两根Pt电极置于盛有生理盐水的烧杯中,用两根盐桥管分别将细胞培养小室两端的培养液与烧杯相连,以防止电解产物进入培养液。实验过程中维持电流低于0.6mA而减少焦耳热。监测小室两端电压,未见明显波动。控制细胞周围环境于37℃,50mL/L CO2,电场强度为8V/cm。
1.2.1 台盼蓝拒染活细胞计数
培养于DMEM+100mL/L FBS培养液中的hRPE细胞暴露于强度为8V/cm的直流电场中,记录电场作用前、电场作用3h以及停止作用后12h的细胞图像。各时间点未受电场作用细胞作为对照。每组各取细胞悬液,以4g/L台盼蓝进行细胞染色,于3min内在倒置相差显微镜下计数拒染细胞数,每次至少计数100个细胞,计数3次,按活细胞率=拒染细胞数/(拒染细胞数+染色细胞数)的百分率计算平均细胞存活率。
1.2.2 hRPE细胞AgNORs染色
对各组细胞行AgNORs染色,方法参照文献[7]。简述如下:配制贮存液:A液:20g/L明胶甲酸溶液;B液:500g/L AgNO3。蒸馏水漂洗细胞后,滴加现配的混合银胶染色液(A,B液以1∶2混合),37℃避光染色40min,蒸馏水充分冲洗,逐级酒精脱水,二甲苯透明,树胶封片。光学显微镜下计数细胞核内AgNORs颗粒,每张爬片随机选取5个视野,计数至少50个细胞,取其中位数,比较各组差别。
1.2.3 流式细胞仪检测细胞凋亡
收集各组2×106个细胞,750mL/L冷乙醇4℃固定,磷酸盐缓冲液(PBS)洗涤重悬、离心细胞,加PI复合液(PI 5mg,RNA酶A 2mg,Triton100 1mL,柠檬酸钠100mg)染色,4℃避光30min,上机(FACScan,BD公司)检测。以含亚二倍体DNA的细胞视为凋亡细胞,Cell quest软件分析结果。 统计学处理:采用Image J及SPSS12.0统计软件处理数据,组间比较采用t检验及方差分析。
2 结果
2.1 hRPE细胞形态及活力
2.2 hRPE细胞AgNORs数目
2.3 hRPE细胞的凋亡 经流式细胞仪检测分析,未受电场作用细胞、电场暴露3h以及停止作用后继续培养12h细胞凋亡率分别为5.46%,6.14%及6.26%,各组间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05,)。
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