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http://www.cnophol.com 2009-3-11 15:35:48 中华眼科在线

Dr Ian Yeo
Singapore National Eye Centre

Polypoidal Choroidal Vasculopathy (PCV) is increasing being recognised as a cause for serosanguineous maculopathy in Asian eyes. The condition was first seen in African-Americans but was also later recognised in South American and Asian eyes.

The use of Indocyanine Green angiography together with flourescein angiography has helped to demonstrate the presence of polypoidal lesions in this group of patients.

We report the results of a prospective review of 97 patients at the Singapore National Eye Centre presenting with new onset serosanguineous maculopathy (3 June – 1 April 2003). 47 (48.5%) shown to have PCV.

In this group with PCV, in the majority (94.7%) the disease was unilateral. In 19 out of 47 eyes, the macular of the other eye did not show any abnormality and in 13 of the eyes there were changes of age related macular degeneration. 

We have found the treatment of eyes with PCV using thermal laser to be effective. 40 eyes of 40 patients were treated with argon laser photocoagulation. 21 eyes (75%) had stable or improved BCVA (logMAR change of < 0.20) at 12 months with a mean logMAR improvement of 0.83. 23 eyes had extrafoveal, 2 eyes had juxtafoveal and 3 eyes had subfoveal polyps.

PCV is a common cause of serosanguineous maculopathy in Asian eyes and is best detected with the use of ICG angiography.



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