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http://www.cnophol.com 2009-4-23 15:30:15 中华眼科在线

  综上所述,LASEK联合低浓度的MMC(0.02%MMC)及地塞米松是一种安全、有效、预测性好的屈光手术。术中0.02% MMC的应用及术后短期高浓度强效糖皮质激素的冲击加后期低浓度糖皮质激素的维持使用,既在早期有效地抑制了haze形成又避免了长期应用带来的副作用,使术后haze的程度及发生率进一步降低,从而使LASEK术得到了更好的开展。

  Mitomycin-C combined dexamethasone for the treatment ofhaze 8fter LASEK. WANG Min, Ⅳ Zhen—guo,XU Zhao—hui,et a1.Lanzhou University,Lanzhou,Gansu 730000,China

  Abstract:Objective To investigate the inhibitory effect ofusing 0.02% mitomycin—C(MMC)during LASEK operation com—

  bined with dexamethasone(DM)in the postoperative short period(1 week)on the formation of haze.Methods According to differentmedication,208 patient performed LASEK were divided intoMMC group(101 patients,199 eyes)and MMC+DM group(107patient% ,200 eyes).Incidence rates of haze in the two groupswere statisticaly analyzed.Results The grade II haze was foundin 10 eyes(5.03%)and higher than grade I1 haze was not found in MMC group.Nether grade lI nor higher than grade II haze was found in MMC +DM group.The difference of incidence rates ofhaze in the same sex was statistically significant(P <0.05 ).Conclusion Th e form ation of eolTleal haze was effectively inhibi—ted by using 0.02% MMC during LASEK combined with DM intheshortpostoperative period(1 week).

  Key words:mitomycin—C;dexamethasone;laser subepitheli—al keratomileusis;haze


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