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Retrospective analysis of optic neuritis among the patients of multiple sclerosis

http://www.cnophol.com 2009-6-8 10:44:03 中华眼科在线

GUO Shuo  WEI Shi-hui

Department of Ophthalmology, the First Hospital of Qhuangdao City ,Hebei, China Department of Ophthalmology; Chinese General Hospital of PLA; Beijing  China100853

Objective:To investigate the relativity between optic neuritis and multiple sclerosis(MS), to estimate the importance of methylprednisolone for multiple sclerosis.Methods: Collection of 85 MS in- patient cases which were admitted from year 2001 to year 2005 , Those systemic and ocular symptoms, correlated examinations and therapy were analyzed by SPSS12.0.Results : 40%(34/85) of the MS patients broke out as 0ptic Neuritis and 23.53%(20/85) of them initially broke out as optic neuritis. After statistical analysis of correlated examinations ,the rate of head MRI-positive result in optic neuritis patients was higher than that in patients without eye symptom.P<0.05,χ2=6.28. The rate of neck MRI-positive result in optic neuritis patients was higher than that in patients without eye symptom. P<0.05,χ2=4.87.After large dose methylprednisolone and gammaglobulin for MS, 69.4%(59/85) of the MS patients recovered and 21.2%(18/85)of them relieved. visual acuity 0f 31 cases improved. Conclusions:When optic neuritis patients visit in department of ophthalmology,they should have a MRI to exclude MS. Large dose methylprednisolone and gammaglobulin for MS is the first way.




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