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http://www.cnophol.com 2009-6-22 9:48:06 中华眼科在线

  作者:刘建国,万雅群,李 勇,许 恂,叶 璐   


  【摘要】  目的:了解准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术(LASIK)术前初诊患者视网膜病变的类型和程度,明确手术适应证选择,术前给予相应处理,进一步提高手术安全性。

  方法:对LASIK术前初诊4 248眼屈光度 0.50D~18.00D,散光≤6.00D的近视患者散瞳三面镜检查眼底,详细绘图记录检查结果,并给予相应处理,对实施LASIK手术者随访10~20mo。

  结果:被检4248眼中,发现各种视网膜变性778眼(18.31%);其中格子样变性60眼(1.41%),霜样变性432眼(10.17%),囊样变性72眼(1.69%) ,薄变22眼(0.52%),有两种以上混合变性的71眼(1.67%),视网膜增殖121眼(2.85%),周边视网膜干性裂孔71眼(1.67%)。其中严重视网膜变性65眼,干性视网膜裂孔71眼行氩激光光凝治疗,视网膜脱离9眼,4眼视网膜脱离需行手术,5眼局限性脱离行光凝.所有LAS1K术后患者均未发现眼底病变加重或发生视网膜脱离。


  【关键词】  准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术;视网膜变性;适应证

  Clinical treatment of fundus diseases before LASIK

  JianGuo Liu, YaQun Wan, Yong Li, Xun Xu, Lu Ye

  Excimer Laser Center, Department of Ophthalmology, the Fourth Hospital of Xian City, Xian 710004, Shaanxi Province, China

  AbstractAIM: To investigate the type and degree of retinopathy before LASIK, definite the selection of operative indication in order to improve the security.

  METHODS: The fundus of 4248 eyes, whose dioptre was 0.50D to 18.00D, astigmatism was ≤6.00D, were examined by threemirror contact lens under the condition of mydriasis. The results were recorded and the patients were given corresponding treatment. The followup time was 1020 months.

  RESULTS: Various retinal degeneration were found in 778 eyes (18.31%), including lattice degeneration in 60 eyes (1.41%), frosted degeneration in 432 eyes (10.17%), cystoid degeneration in 72 eyes (1.69%),  retina thinning in 22 eyes (0.52%) and two or more kinds of degenerations in 71 eyes (1.67%). There were 121 eyes (2.85%) presented retinal proliferation, of them, 65 eyes with serious retinal degeneration and 71 eyes with peripheral retinal holes were treated by Argon laser photocoagulation. Nine cases were retinal detachment, in which, 4 cases needed operation and 5 cases with localized detachment underwent photocoagulation. Postoperatively, all eyes were not presented lesions progressing or retinal detachment.

  CONCLUSION: It is necessary to know the retinopathy before operation, which can help us to clear the operative indication and grasp the operation opportunity.

  KEYWORDS: fundus diseases; LASIK

  Liu JG, Wan YQ, Li Y, et al. Clinical treatment of fundus diseases before LASIK. Int J Ophthalmol(Guoji Yanke Zazhi) 2008;8(10):23462347


  准分子激光角膜原位磨镶术(laser in situ keratomileusis, LASIK)是目前矫正屈光不正最普遍的屈光性角膜手术[1]。其视觉质量和安全性一直是广大患者和医师关注的焦点。随着准分子屈光手术的设备、技术不断创新发展,对LASIK术前的眼底情况进行全面了解和正确处理,是保证手术效果、预防术前或减少术后并发症的重要的措施。我中心将眼底三面镜检查作为手术前常规检查,及时处理发现的问题,在保证术后视力、预防术后并发症方面,取得了一定的成效。现将我中心自2006 01/200612术前初诊4248眼散瞳三面镜检查结果、及其处理效果追踪随访进行总结分析,结果报告如下。

[1] [2] 下一页


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