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Anterior single flap external ...

http://www.cnophol.com 2009-8-13 11:22:18 中华眼科在线

  作者:Kamal Hashim Bennawi   

  作者单位:Oculoplastic Clinic, Khartoum Teaching Eye Hospital, Khartoum, Sudan National Program for Prevention of Blindness, Federal Ministry of Health, P.O. Box 303, Khartoum, Sudan

  【摘要】   AIM: To present the outcome of anterior single flap external dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR) in Sudanese patients.

  METHODS: The data of 200 consecutive patients were retrospectively analyzed, who had anterior single flap external DCR with a minimum of one year followup. The surgeries were performed by the same surgeon (the first author) and patients were followed up for one year postoperatively. Presence of epiphora at the end of one year and no response to syringing and probing was considered failure.

  RESULTS: The mean age of the study sample was 29.7 years (ranged 465 years). The ratio of male to female was 1∶2. The success rate was 98%. Failure was reported in 4 patients, two of them were traumatic cases with preexisting orbital disfigurement.

  CONCLUSION: This study adds on to the evidence of the usefulness of anterior single flap DCR. Although it is simpler and easier to master the technique, this procedure showed a success rate comparable to that of the conventional method in literature.

  KEYWORDS: dacryocystorhinostomy; external; surgical technique; success rate

  【关键词】  dacryocystorhinostomy; external surgical technique success rate


  Nasolacrimal duct obstruction (NLDO) is one of the commonest diseases affecting the lacrimal drainage system. Persistent tearing, mucous or mucopurulent discharge from the lacrimal puncta, chronic conjunctivitis and swelling of the lacrimal sac in the medial canthal area (acute or chronic dacryocystitis) are the symptoms that patients may experience due to NLDO[1,2].

  Surgical treatment of NLDO is dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR). There are different techniques of performing DCR operation. In principle, DCR is the removal of the bone lying between the tear sac and the nose, and making an anastomosis between medial wall of the sac and nasal mucosa.

  Despite satisfactory results reported with several alternative techniques such as nasolacrimal duct intubation[35], endoscopic[6,7] or nonendoscopic endonasal DCR[8], and endonasal or transcanalicular laser DCR[9], external DCR remains the method of choice for most oculoplastic surgeons[10,11].

  Anterior single flap DCR technique was reported with favorable results in the literature[1216]. This study presents the surgical outcome and complications encountered with this technique in 200 consecutive patients in our centre.


  Patient Selection  The clinical records of patients, who underwent anterior single flap external DCR performed by the first author at Khartoum Teaching Eye Hospital and Walidain Eye Hospital since April 1998, were analyzed retrospectively. Consecutive 200 cases were included in the study. Patients whose records were complete with preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative data, and who were seen on the 2nd and 7th postoperative days and followed up at least 12 months postoperatively were included in the study.

  Surgical Technique  The procedure could be carried out conveniently using general or local anesthesia. In this study, 32 operations were performed under general anesthesia, and the rest were done under local anesthesia. Topical anesthetic with decongestant was routinely applied to the nasal mucosa prior to the surgery. Diluted adrenaline was injected in and around the area of the lacrimal sac after informing the anesthetist. A vertical 10mm incision, 2mm nasal to and centered by medial canthus was made. Orbicularis fibers were separated bluntly to expose the medial palpebral (canthal) ligament. The ligament was followed nasally to its attachment to the anterior lacrimal crest. The periosteum was vertically incised (10mm) just anterior to the lacrimal crest; then elevated using Traquairs elevator from the whole lacrimal fossa reaching the posterior lacrimal crest and including the sac within it. Through the same elevator, the suture between the lacrimal bone and frontal process of the maxilla or that between the ethmoid and lacrimal bone was separated. The nasal mucosa was then pushed by the elevator to separate it from the bone. The opening was enlarged with bone punches to make a rhinostomy about 15mm in diameter (including the whole floor of the fossa). A "U" shaped incision was made in the elevated periosteum and sac to make the anterior flap of the sac. Nasal mucosa behind the rhinostomy was cut. The anterior flap was then sutured with Vicryl 6/0 to the margin of the periosteal cut near the anterior lacrimal crest. The skin was then closed with 6/0 black silk. Light bandage was put on the wound and the nasal pack was removed. Skin sutures were taken out 57 days after the surgery. Probing and syringing were attempted if epiphora occurs postoperatively. Absence of epiphora at the end of one year followup without the need for further surgical intervention was considered a success.

[1] [2] 下一页


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