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Detection of basic fibroblast ...

http://www.cnophol.com 2009-8-13 11:24:49 中华眼科在线

  Table 3  Quantitative results ong>ofong> HLECs (smear) Immunohistochemical morphometry(略)


  Measurement Indexes  Cell area (AREA), mean optical density (M.O.D.) and integral optical density (I.O.D.).


  Qualitative Analysis  The results ong>ofong> immunohistochemistry (ABC method) showed that bFGF ong>receptorong> ong>proteinong> existed in the epithelial cells from the paraffin sections, the lens capsule slides as well as the cell smears (Figure 1, 2 and 3).

  Quantitative Analysis  The results ong>ofong> image analysis showed that there was significant difference in bFGF ong>receptorong> ong>proteinong> (M.O.D. and I.O.D.) between the paraffin sections, the lens capsule slides as well as the cell smears and their corresponding controls (Table 1, 2 and 3).


  bFGF ong>receptorong> consists ong>ofong> an extracellular ligand binding region containing three immunoglobulinlike domains, a helical transmembrane domain and an intracellular split tyrosine kinase domain. Four FGF ong>receptorong> genes produce 48 ong>receptorong> isomers by natural alternative splice [2]. The expression ong>ofong> FGFR1 in lens epithelial cells decreases with the increase ong>ofong> age, increases after the application ong>ofong> FGF and plays an important role in cell ong>growthong> and fibrosis [3]. However, experimental study shows that the elimination ong>ofong> FGFR1 gene does not affect the normal development ong>ofong> lens [4]. FGFR2 does not affect lens epithelial cell proliferation but affect the fibrosis ong>ofong> cells only [5]. It is proposed that FGFR3 plays an important role in the fibrosis ong>ofong> lens epithelial cells [6] and FGFR4 in lens epithelial cells is FGF19 ong>receptorong> [7].

  FGF ong>receptorong> exists not only in lens epithelial cells but also in baby rat kidney cells, endothelial cells, ong>fibroblastong>,cardioblast,pheochromocytoma cells and other tumor cell membranes. These ong>receptorong> ong>proteinong>s are singlechain polypeptides with molecular weights varying in the range ong>ofong> 110150kPa in different cells. FGF ong>receptorong> plays a role through MAPK/ERK1/2 signal system [8] and the genovariation ong>ofong> heparan sulfate biosynthetic gene interferes with the combination ong>ofong> FGF with its ong>receptorong> to adjust FGF effect downward [9].
The results ong>ofong> the qualitative and quantitative immunohistochemistry ong>ofong> paraffin sections, cell smears and capsule slides show that bFGF ong>receptorong> ong>proteinong> exists on HLECs, which is the basis for bFGF and its ong>receptorong> to have biological effect on HLECs. Since ong>growthong> ong>factorong> and ong>receptorong> have their final effects through their ong>proteinong>s, the level ong>ofong> ong>proteinong>s is a key ong>factorong> in determining their biological effect. bFGF in eyes might combine with the ong>receptorong> ong>proteinong>s on residual lens epithelial cell membrane during cataract removal, and  therefore improve the proliferation ong>ofong> lens epithelial cells, which is the main cause ong>ofong> the formation ong>ofong> after cataract.

  Figure 1  Positivereaction bFGF ong>receptorong> ong>proteinong> in a lens epithelial cell ong>ofong> a paraffin section from a 5month embryo (ABC×400)(略)

  Figure 2  Positivereaction bFGF ong>receptorong> ong>proteinong> in a lens epithelial cell ong>ofong> an anterior capsule slide from a 65yearold senile cataract patient (ABC×400)(略)

  Figure 3  Positivereaction bFGF ong>receptorong> ong>proteinong> in a lens epithelial cell ong>ofong> a cell smear slide from a 30yearold adult (ABC×400)(略)


  1 Liu YF, Yuan JQ, Wang DW. The study on detection ong>ofong> mRNA gene ong>ofong> ong>basicong> ong>fibroblastong> ong>growthong> ong>factorong> ong>receptorong> in human lens epithelial cells. Chin J Prac Ophthal 1999;17(5):265267

  2 Duchesne L, Tissot B, Rudd TR, Dell A, Fernig DG. Nglycosylation ong>ofong> ong>fibroblastong> ong>growthong> ong>factorong> ong>receptorong> 1 regulates ligand and heparan sulfate coong>receptorong> binding. J Biol Chem 2006;281(37):2717827189

  3 de Iongh RU, Lovicu FJ, Hanneken A, Baird A, McAvoy JW. FGF ong>receptorong>1 (flg) expression is correlated with fibre differentiation during rat lens morphogenesis and ong>growthong>. Dev Dyn 1996;206(4):412426

  4 Zhao H, Yang Y, Partanen J, Ciruna BG, Rossant J, Robinson ML. Fibroblast ong>growthong> ong>factorong> ong>receptorong> 1 (Fgfr1) is not essential for lens fiber differentiation in mice. Mol Vis 2006;12:1525

  5 Garcia CM, Yu K, Zhao H, AsheryPadan R, Ornitz DM, Robinson ML, Beebe DC. Signaling through FGF ong>receptorong>2 is required for lens cell survival and for withdrawal from the cell cycle during lens fiber cell differentiation. Dev Dyn 2005;233(2):516527

  6 Govindarajan V, Overbeek PA. Secreted FGFR3, but not FGFR1, inhibits lens fiber differentiation. Development 2001;128(9):16171627

  7 Kurose H, Okamoto M, Shimizu M, Bito T, Marcelle C, Noji S, Ohuchi H. FGF19FGFR4 signaling elaborates lens induction with the FGF8LMaf cascade in the chick embryo. Dev Growth Differ 2005;47(4): 213223

  8 Iyengar L, Wang Q, Rasko JE, McAvoy JW, Lovicu FJ. Duration ong>ofong> ERK1/2 phosphorylation induced by FGF or ocular media determines lens cell fate. Differentiation 2007;75(7):662668

  9 Pan Y, Woodbury A, Esko JD, Grobe K, Zhang X. Heparan sulfate biosynthetic gene Ndst1 is required for FGF signaling in early lens development. Development 2006;133(24):49334944



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