作者:马伟建,滕玉芳,胡磊 作者单位:泰山医学院附属医院,山东 泰安 271000
【摘要】目的 探讨干燥羊膜在青光眼滤过术中应用的有效、安全性。方法 在小梁切除术中移植国产干燥羊膜治疗青光眼22例(26眼),术后随访6~14个月,观察术后视力、滤过泡、前房深度、眼压及术后并发症等情况。结果 随访期间眼压由术前43.13±7.82 mmHg降至术后18.36±4.20 mmHg,P<0.001。手术总成功率为92.3%,保持功能性滤过泡23眼;术后视力提高2行以上者为18眼(69.2%),并发症主要包括浅前房(3眼)和低眼压(6眼)。结论 干燥羊膜在青光眼滤过术中的应用可减少滤过道癍痕的形成,提高手术的成功率,是治疗青光眼安全有效的方法之一。
【关键词】 羊膜移植;小梁切除术;青光眼
A randomized control clinical trial of glaucoma filtering surgery with amniotic membrane
MA Wei-jian, TENG Yu-fang, HU Lei
Dept. of Ophthalmology. The Hospital affiliated Taishan Medical University, Taian 271000,China
Abstract: Objective: To study the effect and sccurity of amniotic membrane transplantation and trabeculectomy. Methods: Preserved amniotic membrane transplantation and trabeculectomy was performed on 22 cases (26 eyes) of glaucoma. All the cases were followed-up for 6~14 months. The visual acuity, filtering bleb, anterior chamber depth, IOP, and the complications of operation were studied. Results: The IOP was lowered (P<0.001) from 43.13±7.82mmHg preoperatively to 18.36±4.20 mmHg postoperatively. After operation, 23 eyes maintained functional filtering bleb, 18 eyes(69.2%) had improved visual acuity. The complications included shallow anterior chamber(3eyes) and early postoperative hypotony(6eyes). Conclusions: Aamniotic membrane transplantation and trabeculectomy for glaucoma can effectively inhibit the scar for mation, lower down the IOP to a target level, increase the success rate considerably. The method is safe and effective in the management of glaucoma.
Key words: Amniotic membrane transplantation; Trabeculectomy; Glaucoma
1 材料和方法
1.1 一般资料
1.2 羊膜的使用
羊膜为江西省科学院住友生物工程技术有限公司产品。使用前用无菌生理盐水浸泡(水温25 ℃~30 ℃),复水10 min后备用。
1.3 手术方法
在显微镜下行小梁切除术,术中做以穹隆部为基底的结膜瓣,电凝止血,巩膜瓣大小为4 mm×4 mm,厚1/2巩膜,预置前房穿刺道,切除小梁组织1.5 mm×2 mm,做虹膜周边切除,将准备好的羊膜移植片修整成“品”字形(略大于巩膜瓣2 mm),移植到巩膜瓣下,上皮面朝上,多余羊膜平铺于结膜和巩膜之间,10-0尼龙线间断缝合巩膜瓣,同时固定羊膜植片,结膜瓣原位水密缝合,从前房穿刺口恢复前房。术毕球结膜下注射庆大霉素2万单位+地塞米松2.5毫克,术后常规滴典必殊眼液。
1.4 疗效判定标准
按Kim和Lim[2],郭文毅等[3]判断标准判定滤过手术成功率。完全成功:术后眼压在6mmHg~21 mmHg,不用抗青光眼药物;部分成功:术后眼压在6~21 mmHg,加用抗青光眼药物;失败:术后眼压小于6 mmHg者,或用降眼压药物后眼压大于21 mmHg,需再次手术者。
1.5 随访
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