作者:刘彦斌,谭少健 作者单位:210006)中国江苏省南京市,南京爱尔眼科医院;(530021)中国广西壮族自治区南宁市,广西医科大学第一附属医院眼科
【摘要】 目的:回顾性分析人工晶状体取出的原因,探讨人工晶状体取出原因的临床变化。
【关键词】 白内障;人工晶状体取出;手术并发症
Analysis of clinical change of the causes of intraocular lens explantation YanBin Liu, ShaoJian Tan Nanjing Aier Eye Hospital, Nanjing 210006, Jiangsu Province, China; Department of Ophthalmology, the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangxi Medical University, Nanning 530021,Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China Abstract AIM: To analyze the causes of intraocular lens(IOL) explantation retrospectively and evaluate clinical changes of the causes of IOL explantation.
METHODS: The data of 25 patients(25 eyes) who had undergone IOL explantation were reviewed retrospectively.
RESULTS: The causes of IOL explantation were as follows: decentration of IOL and IOL jammed by pupil in 10 cases (40%); dislocation and tilt of IOL in 6 cases(24%);pseudophakic bullous keratopathy in 1 case(4%); pseudophakic retinal detachment in 2 cases(8%); endophthalmitis in 2 cases(8%); postoperative refractive error in 3 cases(12%); opacification of the IOL in 1 case(4%). The interval between cataract extraction with lens implantation and the IOL explantation was 1 day10 years. Anterior chamber IOL was in 2 cases, and posterior chamber IOL was in 23 cases. The exchange of IOL occured in 12 eyes.
CONCLUSION: Decentration or dislocation was currently the most common reason of IOL explantation. IOL explantation was helpful for visual functional improvement.
KEYWORDS: cataract;intraocular lens explantation; complication
结果:人工晶状体夹持偏心移位10例(40%);后囊破裂人工晶状体脱位和倾斜6例(24%);IOL度数错误3例(12%);IOL眼视网膜脱离2例(8%);IOL大泡性角膜病变1例(4%);眼内炎2例(8%);IOL混浊1例(4%)。植入与取出的时间间隔1d~10a。前房型IOL 2例,后房型IOL 23例。IOL置换12例。
0引言 小切口白内障摘除和超声乳化白内障吸除等白内障手术技术的进步显著减少了白内障术后并发症,并引起了相应并发症类型的改变。人工晶状体植入术后的严重并发症是引起IOL取出的重要因素。目前,国外研究表明导致IOL取出的原因较以前已发生了明显变化[1]。我们对25例IOL取出病例资料进行回顾性分析,以探讨IOL取出原因的临床变化,现报告如下。 1对象和方法 1.1对象 收集200501/200712广西医科大学一附院眼科住院患者中行IOL取出术的病例资料25例。其中男16例,女9例,年龄5~83(平均39.3±26.4)岁。术前白内障的类型:年龄相关性白内障 9例,外伤性白内障7例,先天性白内障5 例,并发性白内障4例。7例本院手术患者,18例为外院转诊患者。随访6~21mo。
1.2方法 对所收集的病例资料按人工晶状体取出的原因、IOL的类型及IOL置换情况进行分类归纳分析。观察术前术后的视力变化情况。
2.1人工晶状体取出的原因、IOL的类型、IOL置换 人工晶状体夹持偏心移位10例(40%);后囊破裂人工晶状体脱位和倾斜6例(24%);IOL度数错误3例(12%);IOL眼视网膜脱离2例(8%);IOL大泡性角膜病变1例(4%);眼内炎2例(8%);IOL混浊1例(4%)。其中2例曾行YAG激光后囊膜切开术。前房型IOL 2例,1例IOL眼视网膜脱离,1例IOL大泡性角膜病变;后房型IOL 23例。因人工晶状体植入不在同一所医院完成,无完整资料,未能把取出的IOL按材料构成分类。IOL置换12例(48%),其中Ⅰ期植入10例,Ⅱ期植入2例。植入与取出的时间间隔1d~10a。
2.2视力 术后视力较术前明显改善或提高(表1),尤其IOL置换的患者术后视力更为满意。
表1 IOL取出术的视力变化(略)
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