【摘要】 目的:探讨影响近视眼患者角膜中央厚度的相关因素。方法:用超声角膜测厚仪检测630例 (1260眼)近视及近视散光眼患者的中央角膜厚度,统计分析检测结果。 结果:角膜中央厚度与眼内压呈正相关(r=0.416,P=0.01)。角膜中央厚度大约每增加28.8μm,眼内压上升1mmHg,角膜中央厚度与屈光度呈负相关(r=0.426,P<0.05)。角膜中央厚度与是否戴角膜接触镜有关,长期持续配戴软性角膜接触镜者平均中央角膜厚度为530.26±32.73μm,无角膜接触镜配戴史者平均中央角膜厚度为545.89±29.71μm,二者比较差异有显著性(P<0.05);散瞳前角膜中央厚度为532.77±32.21μm,散瞳后角膜中央厚度为539.97±31.31μm,二者比较差异有显著性(P=0.001)。结论:近视角膜中央厚度除与眼内压、屈光度及是否配戴软性角膜接触镜等因素有关,散瞳剂也是影响角膜中央厚度的因素之一。
【关键词】 近视;角膜中央厚度;CCT
Factors correlated to central thickness in patients with myopia
AiHong Zhao, ShiYang Li, XiaoFang Liu
Excimer Treatment Center, 150 Central Hospital of PLA, Luoyang 471031, Henan Province, China
AbstractAIM: To investigate the factors correlated to central corneal thickness (CCT) in patients with myopia. METHODS: A total of 630 cases (1260 eyes) with myopia or myopia astigmatism were enrolled in this study. PacketⅡ ultrasound pachymetry were used to detect CCT of each eye. The results were recorded and analyzed.RESULTS: The correlation between noncontact tonometry (NCT) and CCT was positive (r=0.416, P=0.01 ), an approximate increase of 1mmHg for an increase in CCT of 28.8μm, A negative correlation was found between CCT and refraction (r=0.426, P<0.05 ). The mean CCT was 530.26±32.73μm and 545.77±32.21μm in longterms of contact lens wear and normal eyes, respectively(t= 6.15, P=0.01). The mean CCT was 532.77±32.21μm before mydriasis and 539.97±31.31μm after mydriasis with significant difference (t=9.67, P=0.001). CONCLUSION: The CCT is related to intraocular presure, refraction, longterm sofe contact lens and mydriasis. KEYWORDS: myopia; central corneal thickness; CCT
以我院2006 08/2007 07接受准分子屈光手术的近视患者为研究对象,630例(1260眼)中男296例,女334例,平均年龄27.83岁(18~49岁)。术前平均屈光度5.89±2.54D,平均眼压15.96±2.66mmHg。
所有病例电脑验光后主觉验光,有散光患者计算等值球镜度数,等值球镜=球镜度数+散光度数/2。用日本产CanonTXF型非接触式眼压计测量(noncontacttonometry,NCT),测3次,取平均值。用德国蔡司公司的PacketⅡ型角膜厚度超声测量仪散瞳前、后各测各眼角膜中央厚度(central corneal thickenss,CCT),各测5次取其平均值。(散瞳用复方托吡卡胺滴眼液,1~2滴/次,5min滴眼1次,共3次)各项检查均由专人负责,以减少误差。 统计学分析:用SPSS 11.0软件包对所得数据进行t检验,相关分析和方差分析。
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