【摘要】 目的 观察巩膜隧道小切口手法分核白内障摘除人工晶体植入术的临床疗效。方法 对212例240眼白内障患者在局麻下行巩膜隧道小切口手法分核摘除人工晶体植入术。观察术中、术后并发症及术后第1天裸眼视力。术后随访3~24个月。结果 术中并发症15眼,其中晶状体后囊膜破裂6眼,晶状体悬韧带断离3眼,虹膜根部断离3眼,角膜后弹力层脱离3眼;术后并发症110眼,其中角膜水肿98眼,前房出血5眼,人工晶体偏移4眼,瞳孔变形3眼。术后第1天裸眼视力>0.3者195眼(81.3%),>0.1者30眼(12.5%),<0.1者15眼(6.3%),裸眼视力<0.1者有8眼未植入人工晶体。结论 巩膜隧道小切口手法分核白内障摘除人工晶体植入术效果满意,手术技巧性强,技术不熟练、操作不当易出现并发症。
【关键词】 小切口;手法分核;白内障;人工晶体
Clinical observation on the method of sclera tunnel anterior chamber small incision cataract extraction and intraocular lens implantation
GAO Wen-sheng.
Department of Ophthalmology,The People’s Hospital of Yongzhou City,Yongzhou 425000,China
【Abstract】 Objective To investigate the curative effect of the sclera tunnel anterior chamber small incision cataract extraction and intraocular lens implantation.Methods With sclera tunnel,anterior chamber small incision cataract extraction and intraocular lens implantation was performed in 212 cases (240 eyes) of cataract,under local anaesthesia.The results during and after the operation was observed,including postoperative complications and visual acuity in a week after the operation.The mean follow-up time was 3~24 months.Results Operative complications in 15 eyes,which included tear of posterior capsule in 6 eyes,dehiscence of the zonule in 3 eyes,commotio retinae in 3 eyes,dislocation of cornea descement’s membrane in 3 eyes. Postoperative complications in 110 eyes,which included corneal edema in 98 eyes in a week after the operation,hyphema in 5 eyes,dislocation lens in 4 eyes,corectopia in 3 eyes.Visual acuity were better than 0.3 in 195 eyes(81.25%),better than 0.1 in 30 eyes(12.5%),lower than 0.1 in 15 eyes (6.25%) which included 8 eyes without IOL implantation.Conclusion With the method of sclera tunnel anterior chamber small incision cataract extraction and intraocular lens implantation,we have got satisfied effect,but the operation need high skills.If there’s unfamiliar or improper operation,it will cause complications.
【Key words】 small incision;divide method;cataract;intraocular lenses
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料 本组共212例240眼,男92例100眼,女120例140眼;年龄21~91岁,平均62岁;其中老年性白内障180例208眼,并发性白内障12例12眼,外伤性白内障20例20眼。晶状体核硬度按Emery分级[2],其中Ⅱ级核25眼,Ⅲ级核35眼,Ⅳ级核115眼,Ⅴ级核65眼。
1.2 手术方法 采取球后麻醉。作以上穹隆为基底的结膜瓣。距角膜缘后1.0mm作5.5mm反眉状巩膜隧道切口,隧道跨度为2.0mm。角膜穿刺刀自10∶30角膜缘处做前房穿刺,注入黏弹剂,截囊针或撕囊镊连续环形撕囊,直径5.0~5.5mm。从侧切口进针做水分离及水分层。三角刀隧道内刺入前房扩大切口使内口大于外口。用黏弹剂针头将晶状体核旋拨至前房,晶状体环自隧道切口进入晶状体核后方将其托住。大核者用劈核刀自侧切口进入前房将晶状体核一劈为二。向左或向右移位晶体环,在劈核刀的帮助下将晶体半核圈出。小核者无须劈核,用晶体环轻压隧道切口后部,注水将核冲出。其余步骤同常规白内障手术。
2 结果
[1] [2] 下一页 |