眼视光学杂志 2000年第2期第2卷 论著
作者:李丽红 郝玉星 郭智一 马艳玲
单位:云南省昆明市儿童医院眼科,云南 昆明 650034
[摘 要] 目的:调查和了解婴幼儿眼散光状态,以利于正确测定及合理矫正婴幼儿散光,尽早治疗和预防弱视。
[中图分类号] R778.1+3 [文献标识码] B
[文章编号] 1008-1801(2000)02-0112-02
Research of infant astigmatism in Kunming municipality
LI Li-hong
(Department of Ophthalmology,Kunming Children's Hospital,Kunming 650034)
HAO Yu-xing
(Department of Ophthalmology,Kunming Children's Hospital,Kunming 650034)
GUO Zhi-yi
(Department of Ophthalmology,Kunming Children's Hospital,Kunming 650034)
Abstract: Objective:To research infant astigmatism in mass screening refraction,detecting and correcting properly infant astigmatism for the treatment and prevention of amblyopia as early as possible.Methods:The visual acuity of 1146 children(2291 eyes,1 month~3 years) were determined with retinoscopy after tropicamide cycloplegia.Results:The results of statistics show that 560 eyes(24.44%) had astigmatism and 25 eyes(1.09%) had mixed astigmatism,the grade of 13.75% astigmatism were more than 1.00D,the maxium grade of astigmatism were 4.00D,and 92.78 were direct astigmatism.Conclusion:The morbidity of astigmatism among infant in Kunming municipality were 24.44%,and most of them were low grade(<1.00D).The morbidity of astigmatism among infant in Kunming municipality were 24.44%,and most of them were low grade(<1.00D).The astigmatism and the grade of astigmatism decreased with age increase.We think that the 0.25~0.50D of astigmatism should be reduced depend up the age and the dioptry for their emmetropization.
Key words: infant; refraction/ocurrence; amblyopia/prevention control; amblyopia/therapy
1 对象和方法
1.1 对象 在婴幼儿屈光普查中,随机整群检查了昆明市8所幼儿园的24个小小班及门诊健康体检婴幼儿,共1146人,2291眼;男616人,1231眼;女530人,1060眼。其中幼儿园受检968人,实查912人,受检率94.12%,体检286人,实查234人,受检率81.82%。
1.2 方法 受检儿童先进行健康体检无异常,并行眼位及眼部常规检查,然后由眼科护士用0.5%的托品酰胺眼液滴眼,5分钟一次,共6次,半小时后在暗室内用带状光检影镜检影验光,验光操作由2名高年资验光师及2名眼科副主任医师进行,均采用球镜1m检影。
1.3 评价标准[1] 按等效球镜值计算,屈光度≥+0.50D为远视眼,≥-0.25D为近视眼,≥0.50DC为散光;顺规散光:负柱×(180°±20°),正柱×(90°±20°),逆规散光:负柱×(90°±20°),正柱×(180°±20°),对称散光:两眼柱镜轴相加等于(180°±10°),不对称散光:两眼柱镜轴相加不等于(180°±10°);两眼屈光度相差,球镜≥1.50D或柱镜≥1.00D为屈光参差。
1.4 数据处理 采用《中国医学百科全书*医学统计学》统计软件包Pems 2.1及卡方检验进行统计分析。
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