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http://www.cnophol.com 2008-1-9 14:41:25 中华眼科在线

【摘要】  目的 评估像差仪检测结果在主观验光中的作用。方法 选择2004年5月至2004年11月于本院行近视屈光手术患者129例,252眼。根据患者在睫状肌麻痹前的电脑验光的球镜度数,分成<-6.0D、-6.0~9.0D、>9.0D三组,分别称为一般度数组、高度数组和超高度数组。患者被随机选择先行电脑验光或像差检查,再经综合验光仪(Nidek)行主观验光。对同一眼的球镜量、散光量、轴向在电脑验光、像差测量和综合验光仪检查(均未予睫状肌麻痹)等三种检查方法之间的相关性情况进行分析。结果 ①一般度数组:综合主观验光、电脑验光、像差仪三种方法球镜度数分别为(-3.28±2.52)D、(-3.18±2.93)D、(-2.86±2.89)D;散光度数分别为(-1.24±1.86)D、(-1.99±1.56)D、(-1.35±1.28)D;散光轴向分别为81.68±73.26、70.11±58.99、89.14±78.90,所有参数各种方法之间无明显差异(P >0.05),有很好的相关性(P<0.05)。②高度数组:综合主观验光、电脑验光、像差仪三种方法球镜度数分别为(-7.43±1.27)D、(-7.38±1.03)D、(-7.81±1.19)D;散光度数分别为(-1.16±1.02)D、(-1.12±0.75)D、(-1.41±1.64)D;散光轴向分别为86.50±71.24、94.71±65.03、100.62±74.07,所有参数各种方法之间无明显差异(P >0.05),有很好的相关性(P<0.05)。③超高度数组:综合主观验光、电脑验光、像差仪三种方法球镜度数分别为(-14.07±4.09)D、(-12.12±3.66)D、(-11.75±3.19)D,各种方法之间无明显差异(P >0.05),有很好的相关性(P <0.05);散光度数分别为(-2.02±1.59)D、(-0.74±0.71)D、(-1.05±0.77)D,各种方法之间有明显差异(P <0.05);散光轴向分别为86.27±63.87、77.68±57.85、110.36±70.83,各种方法之间无明显差异(P >0.05),有很好的相关性(P <0.05)。结论 在一般近视中,像差仪检查可替代电脑验光作为客观验光的方法,但在超高度近视中偏差则较大。

【关键词】  屈光不正;像差仪;主客观验光;近视

    Department of Ophthalmology,EENT Hospital of Fudan University,Shanghai China,200031

    [Abstract]  Objective  To compare the results of refractive error measurements obtained with a WFA-1000 aberrometer and autorefractor and subjective refraction with a phoropter; to check the accuracy of measuring refractive errors with an aberrometer. Methods  Two hundred fifty-two eyes of 129 myopia patients were divided into 3 groups based on refractive error: moderate myopia group (<-6.0 D), high myopia group (-6.0~9.0 D) and hypermyopia group (>9.0 D). Aberrometer measurement, autorefraction and subjective refraction with a phoropter were performed. The degree of spherical error and astigmatism and the axis of astigmatism were recorded and analyzed by statistical software (SAS). Results   ①Moderate myopia group:the respective spherical values measured with subjective refraction,autorefraction and an aberrometer were (-3.28±2.52)D,(-3.18±2.93)D and (-2.86±2.89)D while astigmatism values were (-1.24±1.86)D, (-1.99±1.56)D and (-1.35±1.28)D, and the axes of astigmatism were 81.68±73.26,70.11±58.99 and 89.14±78.90.  There were no statistically significant differences when these three methods were compared (P>0.05). ②High myopia group:the respective spherical values measured with subjective refraction, autorefraction and an aberrometer were (-7.43±1.27)D, (-7.38±1.03)D and (-7.81±1.19)D, while astigmatism values were (-1.16±1.02)D, (-1.12±0.75)D and (-1.41±1.64)D, and the axes of astigmatism were 86.50±71.24, 94.71±65.03 and 100.62±74.07. There were no statistically significant differences when these three methods were compared (P>0.05). ③Hypermyopia group:the respective spherical values measured with subjective refraction, autorefraction and an aberrometer were (-14.07±4.09)D, (-12.12±3.66)D   and  (-11.75±3.19)D, while astigmatism values were (-2.02±1.59)D, (-0.74±0.71)D and (-1.05±0.77)D, and the axes of astigmatism were 86.27±63.87, 77.68±57.85 and 110.36±70.83. There were no statistically significant differences in the measurements of the spherical error and the axis of astigmatism when the three methods were compared (P>0.05). But there were statistically significant differences in the degree of astigmatism measured by these three methods (P<0.05). Conclusion  An aberrometer in clinical use can accurately measure the refraction of most myopes but it is not appropriate for hypermyopia patients.

    [Key words]  refractive error; aberrometer; auto-refraction; subjective refraction; myopia


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