眼科研究 2000年第2期第18卷 临床研究
作者:赵绍贞 孙慧敏 袁佳琴
单位:300070 天津医科大学世界人工晶体中国天津培训中心
摘要 目的探讨分析准分子激光屈光性角膜切削术(PRK)治疗近视后对角膜内皮细胞的影响。方法对101只眼PRK术后者,用接触型镜面反光角膜内皮显微镜(Konan SP-5500型,日本)检测不同部位角膜内皮细胞,并统计分析其在不同度数范围内的平均细胞密度、细胞面积的变异系数和六角形细胞的百分率。结果平均细胞密度在C组平均下降10%;A,B组的下降无统计学意义。细胞面积的变异系数及六角形细胞百分率均在C组有明显改变。结论PRK术对极高度近视(切削角膜厚度超过150 μm)的角膜内皮细胞有较大影响,随时间推移未发现进一步的变化。
分类号 R 772
The changes of corneal endothelia after excimer laser photorefractive keratectomy
Zhao Shaozhen,Sun Huimin,Yuan Jiaqin.
International Intraocular Implant Training Centre of
Tianjin Medical University,Tianjin 300070
Abstract ObjectiveTo investigate the changes of corneal endothelia after excimer laser photorefractive keratectomy(PRK) in different group of myopia.MethodsThe corneal endothelia of 101 eyes were examined at the different site of the cornea pre-operatively and post-operatively with Konan SP-5500 specular microscope.ResultsIn high myopia(group C),mean cell density was decreased in 10%.There were no statistic difference between group A and B.The coefficient of variation of endothelia was 0.27±0.06 preoperatively,0.32±0.03 in one month postoperatively,0.31±0.02 in six months postoperatively,and 0.36±0.07 in ten months postoperatively,compared to the preoperative results(P<0.05).The percentage of hexagonal endothelia had significant changes at six months and ten months postoperatively.ConclusionThere were obvious changes in high myopia after excimer laser PRK and no improvement in the mean cell density,coefficient of variation of corneal endothelia and percentage of hexagonal endothelia.
Key word sphotorefractive keratectomy myopia corneal endothelia
193 nm氟氩准分子激光屈光性角膜切削术(photorefractive keratectomy,PRK),治疗近视的有效性已被大多数人所接受,但其对眼内组织的安全性尚在进一步的研究中,尤其是对角膜内皮细胞的研究更为大家所关注。本文在不同的近视治疗范围中,研究了角膜内皮细胞密度和形态学的变化。
1 资料与方法
本文对101例PRK患者,用接触型镜面反光角膜内皮显微镜(Konan SP-5500型,日本)检测内皮细胞。每只眼的检测都进行3个部位的拍照,即中心6 mm区域内的上、中、下3处。计算平均细胞密度、平均细胞面积的变异系数和六角形细胞的百分率。平均细胞面积的变异系数是由细胞面积的标准差除以平均细胞面积,表示细胞面积间的差异。六角形细胞百分率表示内皮细胞形态间的差异。
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