眼科研究 2000年第4期第18卷 临床研究
作者:马凯 王光璐 张风 孟淑敏 卢宁 马彦
摘要 目的应用光学相干断层成像(OCT)技术对正常眼黄斑区视网膜神经上皮层厚度进行测定。方法对30只经眼科检查确认的正常眼按同一方法进行黄斑区图像采集,并使用随机软件对其神经上皮层厚度进行测量。将所得数据按距中心点距离和方位进行分类统计计算和检验。结果显著性检验证明测量所得1320个数据具有良好的可信性,且结果与以往类似报道相符。结论OCT能够对视网膜神经上皮层厚度进行精确的量化测定,正常值测定的结果有助于对眼底疾病的理解。
分类号 R774
In vivo measurement of the thickness of neurosensory retina of macula in normal eyes
Ma Kai Wang Guanglu Zhang Feng et al.
(Department of Ophthalmology,Tong Ren Hospital,Capital University of Medicine Science,Beijing 100730)
Abstract ObjectiveTo measure the thickness of the neurosensory retina of macula by optical coherence tomography(OCT)in normal eyes to get criterion for clinical practice.Methods30 normal eyes validated by routine ophthalmic examination were scanned and measured by OCT using the same method.4 scan lines traversing the fovea with the same length and the same angle gap.The thickness of the neurosensory retina on given spots were measured and noted.Results1320 data were collected and grouped according to the distance and directions to the central.Significant test showed that the reproducibility of this process was good.All these results were consonant with the previous reports.ConclusionOCT appears potentially useful for quantitatively characterizing the thickness of the neurosensory retina of macula.The tomographic information provided by OCT eventually may lead to a better understanding of the pathogensis of ocular fudus diseases.
Key words optical coherence tomography neurosensory retina macula
以往有关视网膜厚度的数值多来自于对尸体眼的测量,不但材料有限,且难以避免处理过程中各种因素对正常组织形态的影响。光学相干断层成像(optical coherence tomography,OCT)所具备的高分辨率和无损伤特性使活体状态下视网膜厚度的精确测量成为可能。
1 资料与方法
主要设备:ZEISS公司生产的“Optical Coherence Tomography Scanner 2000”系统;国际标准视力表;裂隙灯;间接眼底镜;TRC—50X荧光眼底照相机。
图1A 测量点定位示意图 图1B 扫描方式示意图
Fig.1A Sketch map of measuring spots
Fig.1B Sketch map of scan mode
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