作者:赵慧,陈雪艺,王燕,赵菊芳,李晋,付劲 作者单位:新疆医科大学1附属中医医院眼科 2第一附属医院眼科; 3兰州军区乌鲁木齐总医院眼科, 新疆乌鲁木齐830000
【摘要】目的:探讨青光眼在50岁及以上体检人群类型构成、性别、年龄分布特点,为青光眼防治提供流行病资料。方法:2008年3月~2008年8月,对50岁及以上眼科体检人群,总计1 743人进行青光眼调查。检查项目包括常规视力、裂隙灯显微镜、周边前房深度、眼压及直接眼底镜检查。对可疑青光眼患者进一步详细检查眼压、前房角镜、视野检查及眼底检查。结果:1 743人中确诊为青光眼者36人,占体检人群的2.07%,其中原发性闭角型青光眼、原发性开角型青光眼、继发性青光眼各占整个体检人群的1.55%、0.40%和0.11%,男性青光眼患者的构成比为1.51%,女性为2.53%,女性青光眼患者明显高于男性,原发性闭角型青光眼明显高于原发性开角型青光眼,且各型青光眼构成比随年龄增长而增高。结论: 50岁及以上体检人群青光眼构成比与既往青光眼流行病调查的患病率接近,且原发性闭角型青光眼构成比高于原发性开角型青光眼构成比,女性原发性闭角型青光眼构成比高于男性。
【关键词】 青光眼;体检;构成比;患病率
An analysis of the composition of glaucoma among those more than 50 year old medical group in Urumqi, Xinjiang
ZHAO Hui, CHEN Xueyi, WANG Yan, et al
(Department of Ophthalmology, Affiliated Chinese Medicine Hospital, Xinjiang Medical University, Urumqi 830000, China)
Abstract: Objective: To investigate the distribution characteristics of glaucoma in selected population on type formation, sex and age distribution so as to provide data for the prevailing disease for the preventive treatment of glaucoma. Methods: Between March 2008 and August 2008, a research on glaucoma for those aged 50 and above undergoing ophthalmological checks covering a population of 1 775 patients was carried out. It included checks on eyesight, slit lamp microscope, peripheral chamber depth, intraocular tension and direct ophthalmoscopy check. For those suspected glaucoma suffers, further detailed checks on intraocular tension, gonioscope, visual field and fundoscopy will be carried out. Results: There were 36 confirmed glaucoma sufferers, constituting 2.03% of the population, of which sufferers of primary closedangle glaucoma, primary openangle glaucoma and secondary glaucoma constituted respectively 1.52%, 0.39% and 0.11% of the population. The proportion of male glaucoma sufferers was 1.4% and female 3.5%, with female sufferers being distinctly higher than male ones. Sufferers of primary closedangle glaucoma were markedly higher than those of primary openangle glaucoma, with various types of glaucoma increasing proportionately with age. Conclusion: The proportion of glaucoma sufferers among those aged 50 and above in this population is close to those sampled in past glaucoma surveys; the proportion of sufferers of primary closedangle glaucoma is higher than those of primary openangle glaucoma; the morbility rate of female primary closedangle glaucoma sufferers is higher than male ones, coinciding with the results of (past) glaucoma related epidemiological surveys.
Key words: glaucoma; physical examination; constitution ratio; morbility
青光眼被认为是世界上第二大致盲眼病,青光眼的患病率高于发现率,1996年北京市顺义区50岁以上人群青光眼流行病学调查结果显示,青光眼患病率高达2.1%,与1985年的同一地区青光眼流行病学调查结果相比,虽然青光眼的诊断和治疗水平明显提高,但原发性青光眼的致盲率却从9.3%增加至16.0%[1-2]。Gradum等[3]研究表明,筛查中青光眼的发现率明显高于门诊初诊的患者。本文自2008年3月~2008年8月,对乌鲁木齐市50岁及以上1 743人眼科体检人群进行青光眼调查,并对其不同类型青光眼构成比、年龄及性别分布进行分析,现分析报道如下。
1 资料与方法
1.1 研究对象
参加乌鲁木齐市50岁及以上体检人群1 743人,其中男性793人,女性950人,年龄50~89岁,平均年龄69.5岁。所有人均参加眼科体检。
1.2 方法
1.2.1 眼科初查
1.2.2 眼科复查
1.3 检查标准和诊断标准
1.3.1 Van Herick周边前房分级法
周边前房深度≥角膜厚度定为4级,周边前房深度在1/4~1/2 角膜厚度之间定为3级,周边前房深度=1/4角膜厚度定为2级, 周边前房深度<1/4角膜厚度定为1级,周边前房深度极其狭窄定为slit,其中1级定为浅前房,2、3级定为中度前房深度,4级定为深前房。
1.3.2 Schaffer房角分级法[4]
1.3.3 复查条件[5]
凡有下列条件之一者进入青光眼复查:(1)青光眼家族史。(2)青光眼发作史。(3)眼压≥22 mmHg,或双眼眼压之差≥5 mmHg。(4) C/D值≥0.6,或双眼C/D之差≥0.2。(5)浅前房,Van Herick分级法周边前房深度<1/4CT。
1.3.4 青光眼诊断的标准
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