作者:唐豪,熊洁,赵丹妮 作者单位:重庆市急救医疗中心眼科,重庆 400014
【摘要】 目的 探讨汽车安全气囊致眼外伤的临床特点及诊治方法。方法 对2004~2006年于我院眼科住院的15例30眼汽车安全气囊致眼外伤病例进行回顾性分析。结果 闭合性眼球钝挫伤15例30眼,均伴有角膜挫伤(占100%),其中合并有前房积血12例20眼(占66.67%),瞳孔括约肌撕裂6例9眼(占30%),视神经挫伤5例6眼(占20%),玻璃体积血3例3眼(占10%)。经治疗12例24眼角膜恢复透明,合并前房积血全部吸收,其中18眼视力恢复至1.0;1例1眼在临时角膜下行玻璃体切割、穿透性角膜移植术,术后视力0.1;4例5眼形成角膜瘢翳,因为同时合并有视神经挫伤,视力0.2~0.3。结论 汽车安全气囊可导致多种类型眼损伤,其中尤以角膜挫伤发病率高,且多为双眼性,角膜恢复透明时间长,治疗棘手,可延误合并有眼后段损伤的诊断及治疗,因此对合并有眼后段损伤的病例临床上容易漏诊,早期诊治有利于患者视力恢复。
【关键词】 眼外伤 角膜挫伤 安全气囊
Analysis of ocular injuries due to automotive air bag
(Department of Ophthalmology,Chongqing Emergency Medical Center,Chongqing 400014,China) Abstract: Objective To investigate the clinical features and treatment of ocular injuries due to automotive air bag inflation.Methods A total of 15 cases(30 eyes) were reviewed.All cases were ocular injuries due to automotive air bag and accepted therapy in author's hospital during 2004 to 2006.Results All of 15 cases(30 eyes) were closed injuries of cornea.There were 20 eyes(66.67%) complicated by anterior chamber hyphema,9 eyes (30%) complicated by lacerated wound of contractor pupillae muscle,6 eyes (20%) with contused wound of optic nerve,and 3 eyes(10%) with vitreous hemorrhage.Through appropriate therapy,12 cases (24 eyes) got cured with their corneas returning transparent,and at last visions of 18 eyes were increased to 1.0.One case (1 eye ) accepted penetrating keratoplasty with keratoprosthesis,and the vision got to 0.1 finally.Four cases(5 eyes) remained corneal leukoma,and because of optic nerve contused wound,the vision was only 0.20.3.Conclusion Automotive air bag can cause a variety of ocular trauma including corneal closed injuries and visionthreatening ocular posterior segment injuries.Furthermore,anterior segment injuries can delay the diagnosis and therapy of posterior segment injuries.So it is necessary for ophthalmologists to diagnose and treat the injuries earlier. Key words:ocular trauma;cornea injury,air bag 随着国民汽车使用量的增加,汽车碰撞后安全气囊导致的眼外伤逐年增多。对于安全气囊所致的这一新型眼外伤有何特点及如何处理,国内文献尚未见报道。现将我科2004~2006年收治的安全气囊致眼外伤15例30眼病例进行分析,报道如下。
1 一般资料 本组15例(30眼),其中男性11例(22眼),女性4例(8眼);年龄35~56岁,平均37岁。碰撞发生时车速50~70km/h,系安全带13例,未系安全带2例。
2 诊疗方法 患者入院后常规进行结膜囊pH值测定,双眼B超检查,眼眶CT检查,非接触角膜内皮显微镜检查,必要时进行视觉电生理检查。 角膜损伤处理:接诊后立即进行结膜囊pH值测定,判断是否有化学烧伤存在,如果有立即进行结膜囊冲洗,直到pH值<8。局部使用抗生素眼液和促上皮生长因子及高渗溶液,促使角膜上皮修复和基质水肿减轻。对上皮反复剥脱的病例,在明确没有感染的前提下使用高透气性角膜接触镜。 前房积血的处理:双眼包扎,半卧位,口服镇静剂,全身静滴止血芳酸。对前房积血块的处理,用尿激酶作结膜下注射。 眼后段损伤处理:对于发现合并视神经挫伤的患者,全身大剂量糖皮质激素、血管扩张剂、神经营养药物结合高压氧治疗。对玻璃体积血病例进行玻璃体切割手术治疗。
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