作者:陈吉超 作者单位:遂宁市中医院,四川 遂宁 629000
【摘要】 目的:探讨老年性白内障的屈光状态。方法:对159例(294眼)老年性白内障应用自动验光仪、小瞳检影验光,主觉试镜,散瞳后裂隙灯观察晶状体混浊状况,并对矫正前后视力及屈光状态进行比较。结果:老年性白内障患者多有程度不等的屈光改变,白内障类型与屈光不正种类有显著关系(P<0.01)。皮质性多为远视及远视散光,核性以近视及近视散光为主,初中期白内障患者矫正视力有明显提高。结论:老年性白内障其晶状体混浊引起的屈光状态是导致初中期白内障患者视力下降的主要原因,早期患者矫正视力可明显提高。
【关键词】 老年性白内障 屈光状态 矫正视力
The Clinical Analysis of Dioptric Situstion and Visual Axuity in the Patients With Senile Cataract
CHEN Jichao,CHEN Dan
(Shuining Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine Suining,Sichuan 629000,China) Abstract:Objective To study the diopteic siruation of the patients with senile cataract. Methods 159 patients with cataract(294 eyes)were examined using computet optometry,small pupil skiascipy,subject optometry and the lens opcity of them was observed under mydriatic condition.The vosual acuity the correted visual acuity and reflection condition of them were compared. Results Most of the patients with senile cataract have dioptric changing in different degree.The relationship between the types of the senile catarct and refractive error was stalitically corrdlated(P<0.01).There was more hyperopia and hypermetropia astiymatism in the cortex cataract,there was mainly myopic and myopic astigmatism in the nudear cataract among these cataracts.The correecaed visual of the patients with cataract in the early and middle phase would be much better. Conclusion It reveals that the visual scuity decreasing in the ealy and middle phase cataracts is mainly caused by the changing of opacity iens dioptric situation.The visual acuity of the ealy phase can be corrected obviously. Key words:Senile cataract;Dioptric situation;Visual acuity
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料
1.2 方法
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