讨 论
PRC是视觉传导的第一级神经元,它通过其内、外节的特殊结构将光信号转化为电信号再传递给双极细胞。其过程为:内节合成、组装的新膜盘被有节律地运送到外节接受光照刺激;膜盘上的视紫红质吸收光子后,构像发生改变,与G蛋白结合;活化cGMP磷酸二酯酶,使细胞质中的cGMP浓度迅速下降,而引起细胞膜上的cGMP敏感性钠通道关闭,钠内流受阻,细胞膜超极化;膜电位的改变被动地沿细胞膜传至突触,影响突触的递质释放;这样,信号就传递给了双极细胞;完成了功能的膜盘逐渐从外节上脱落,被视网膜色素上皮细胞清除。可见,膜盘的有节律更新及细胞膜离子通道的正常调节是维持PRC视传导功能的关键[3]。我们从形态学角度观察了RCS大鼠视网膜变性过程中PRC内、外节的改变,发现PRC外节在病变早期就出现排列紊乱。提示外节中的膜盘出现排列异常,随后内节也出现变窄、排列紊乱和空泡。导致PRC结构异常的具体机制尚不清楚。以往的研究表明,RCS大鼠视网膜色素上皮细胞有吞噬视杆外节膜盘的缺陷[4]。我们研究发现,在出生后9 d,RCS大鼠睑裂尚未分开,视杆外节尚无膜盘脱落时,视网膜能正常发育;到出生后15 d,睑裂分开,视杆外节膜盘开始脱落,色素上皮细胞与视杆外节末端之间即出现外节膜盘的堆集,随后出现PRC外节损害。由此可见,膜盘的堆集可能是导致PRC变性的始因,但其具体发生机制尚待进一步探讨。
RCS大鼠从出生后30~60 d,视网膜PRC大部分消失,提示RCS大鼠的PRC在短时间内即可大量死亡。以往人们对PRC死亡的机制认识较少,自从细胞凋亡被提出和深入研究以来,人们推测细胞凋亡参与视网膜变性的发生[5]。各种组织来源的细胞凋亡都有一系列共同的特征性形态改变,例如细胞皱缩、细胞核固缩、异染色质沿核膜排列呈新月形;破碎的细胞核及胞浆由细胞膜包裹成凋亡小体而被周围细胞所吞噬;无炎症反应等。细胞核DNA在内源性核酸内切酶的作用下从核小体之间断裂成180~200bp片段,利用TdT酶把生物素-dUTP标记到DNA缺口处,再用亲和素-辣根过氧化酶显色系统显色,就可在体外及组织切片中直接观察到凋亡细胞[6]。我们用此方法检测了不同鼠龄RCS和SD大鼠的视网膜,发现从出生后25 d起,RCS大鼠视网膜外核层开始出现阳性的PRC核;35d时,阳性PRC核明显增多,提示这时大量PRC在短时间内即发生凋亡;光镜观察这段时期PRC改变,发现细胞核固缩、异染色质多位于胞核边缘、细胞核破碎;视网膜外层有类巨噬细胞聚集,无炎症细胞侵入,这都与细胞凋亡的特征性形态改变相符。提示PRC的死亡是以凋亡的形式进行的。
RCS大鼠视网膜变性的整个过程中,内核层、神经节细胞层无明显异常改变。出生40 d后才出现视网膜色素上皮层增殖,60 d以后出现视网膜新生血管,说明RCS大鼠视网膜变性以PRC病变为主,色素上皮及毛细血管改变是其晚期病变。
收稿 1997-06 修回 1998-01
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Liu Bin, Tang Junmin*, Zhu Xiuan△, Tang Yan* (Department of Ophthalmology Third Clinical School, *Department of Histology and Embryology, Beijing Medical University, Beijing)
To determine the process of photoreceptor cells (PRC) degeneration in hereditary retinal degeneration, the retinas of RCS rats and Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats were examined by light microscope and TdT-mediated biotin-dUTP nick-end labeling (TUNEL). Compared with age-matched SD rats, the retinal PRC of RCS rats began to degenerate from 15 days of age. The debris of the outer segment disk membrane were accumulated on the surface of the retinal pigment epithelial cell; the inner segment were shortened and disordered; the nuclei underwent pyknosis. From 30 to 60 postnatal days, PRC disappeared quickly and only few were remained. TUNEL study showed that the positive labeled nuclei of PRC progressively increased from 25 days of age, and got the maximum level at 35 days of age. In inherited retinal degeneration of RCS rats, PRC progressively lose the normal structure and finally die through apoptosis. The peak phase of degeneration of PRC is from postnatal days 30 to 40. KEY WORDS Photoreceptor; Apoptosis; Inherited retinal degeneration; RCS rat
△Department of Ophthalmology,Third Clinical School, Beijing Medical University, Beijing 100083, China 上一页 [1] [2] |