眼科 1999年第3期第8卷 临床研究
作者:庞玉珍? 闫亦农?? 郝继龙??? 孔玉娇?王国昌? 谷树严??? 赵红梅? 王新华
摘 要 目的:评价放射状角膜切开术(RK)中微穿孔对术后1年内角膜内皮的影响。方法
分类号 R779.65
Effect of microperforation in radial keratotomy on corneal endothelium
Pang Yuzhen…∥Ophthalmol CHN.-1999,8(3).-148~152(Department of Ophthalmology,Changchun Central Hospital,Changchun 130051)
To evaluate the influence of corneal microperforation on the corneal endothelium within one year following radial keratotomy (RK).We studied the morphologic characteristics of the corneal endothelium of 48 patients undergoing RK with or without corneal perforation.They were examined by specular microscope and corneal endothelial analyser preoperatively,and 1,3,6,12 months postoperatively thereafter.Compared the number,ave-rage area,maximum area and minimum area or endothelium pre and postoperatively,the difference from the eyewith or without microperforation is not significant,but endothelial area in both group has a tendency of enlargement.The numberand morphologic characteristics of endothelium in RK with or without microperforation one year after operation do not change significantly,but the endothelial area has the tendency of enlargement,which is not mainly influenced by microperforation.
Subject terms Keratotfomy,radial/compl;Endothelium,corneal
1 材料与方法
1.1 病例选择
1.2 术前检查
检查裸眼及矫正视力,Allergan Humphrey Scan System 835A/B超测量眼轴,Ultrasonic Pachymeter DGH-2000型多方位角膜厚度测量仪测量角膜厚度,Allergan Humphrey Automatic Refractor Model 595电脑验光仪验光,Allergan Humphrey Auto Keratometer Model-420型测量角膜曲率并进行临床屈光、眼前节及眼底检查,排除其它眼病。
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