作者:孙涛,许祯, 谢琦, 王玲, 林旭初, 王红 作者单位:解放军第303医院 眼科, 广西 南宁 530021
【摘要】 目的 观察小梁切除联合胶原膜植入治疗难治性青光眼的效果及并发症。方法 本组20例难治性青光眼,其中新生血管性青光眼4例,先天性青光眼4例,外伤性青光眼2例,滤过手术失败青光眼10例,采用小梁切除术联合胶原膜植入,术后观察眼压及并发症。结果 术后6个月测量眼压:15.88~35.76 mmHg(1mmHg=0.133 3 kPa),平均眼压为(15.77±6.00)mmHg。17只眼术后眼压降至21.00 mmHg以下,仅3只眼压高于21.00 mmHg。未发现严重并发症及胶原膜排斥反应。结论 胶原膜植入联合小梁切除术是治疗难治性青光眼的有效方法,尤其在基层医院可以代替昂贵的进口引流性植入物治疗难治性青光眼。
【关键词】 小梁切除术; 胶原膜; 难治性青光眼
Trabeculetomy Combined with Implantation of Collagen Membrane for the Treatment of Intractable Glaucoma
Sun Tao,Xu Zhen, Xie Qi,Wang Ling,Lin Xuchu,Wang Hong
(Department of Ophthalmology,the 303rd Hospital of PLA,Nanning 530021,China)
Abstract: Objective To explore the effect and postoperative complications of trabeculectomy combined with implantation of collagen membrane for intractable glaucome. Methods Fifteen eyes with intractable glaucoma,including 4 eyes with neovascular glaucoma,4 eyes with congenital glaucoma ,2 eyes with glaucoma secondary to trauma,10 eyes with failed filtering surgery glaucoma, were performed trabeculectomy with implantation of collagen membrane.The postoperative lowering-pressure outcome and complications also were observed.Results All patients were followup for 6 months.The postoperative intraocular pressure of patients was 15.88~35.76mmHg (mean 15.77±6.00 mmHg ) at 6 months of post- operation. The postoperative intraocular pressure was below 21.00 mmHg in 17 eyes,and higher than 21.00 mmHg only in 3 eyes.No serious complications and rejection related to implatation of collagen membrane occurred in this group during the followup period.Conclusion Trabeculectomy combined with implantation of collagen membrane seems to be an ideal procedure for treatment of intractable glaucoma, especially in vast country hospital in china, this surgery also can replace the expensive import drainage device implant therapy for intractable glaucoma.
Key words: trabeculectomy;collagen membrane;intractable glaucoma
1 材料和方法
1.1 一般资料 为2000年10月—2003年1月我院确诊的难治性青光眼20例,其中男性13例,女性7例,年龄7~65岁,平均 38岁。青光眼类型:滤过手术失败的青光眼10例,新生血管性青光眼4例,先天性青光眼4例,外伤性青光眼2例,术前眼压为50.62~27.16 mmHg,平均眼压(44.86±11.25)mmHg。
1.2 胶原膜的制备与保存 采用健康孕妇剖宫产所获得的胎盘,在无菌操作下完成羊膜的取材。母体产前进行血清学检测,以排除羊膜含有乙肝病毒(HBV),丙肝病毒(HCV),人类免疫缺陷性病毒(HIV),衣原体及梅毒螺旋体。
剖腹产后立即取其胎盘,用无菌盐水清洗干净,通过羊膜与绒毛膜两层组织之间潜在的腔隙, 进行钝性分离获取羊膜, 再用含4 000 U/ml 庆大霉素和二性霉素B的平衡盐溶液浸泡, 将其上皮面朝上平铺于纤维过滤纸上。 置于0.5%戊二醛溶液中, 室温固定36 h。然后将粘附有羊膜的滤纸剪成1 cm×0.5 cm小片, 制成的胶原膜置于无菌甘油瓶中密封,放入4 ℃ 冰箱中保存。使用时用无菌生理盐水冲去甘油放入含4 000 U/ml 庆大霉素和二性霉素的平衡液中,复水30 min 后使用,保存时间为1个月。
1.3 手术方法 手术在显微镜下操作。作以角膜缘为基底的结膜瓣,暴露巩膜,以角膜缘为基底作大约4 mm×5 mm 巩膜瓣,深达巩膜厚度1/2。按标准小梁切除术切除小梁及周边虹膜。于巩膜床上植入2 mm×4 mm胶原膜,将巩膜瓣复位。用10-0尼龙线固定缝合4针,缝合结膜瓣。球结膜下注射庆大霉素2万U及地塞米松2 mg。术后常规用1%阿托品眼液和点必殊眼液滴眼。术后5 d 拆除结膜缝线。
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